<a href="http://affiliate.revenueplanet.com/processing/clickthrgh.asp?btag=a_34b_40" title="NDF">NEWBINGOBILLY</a><table align="center" bgcolor="#f9efd7" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:500px;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#5e4d37; ">
AND MORE!Wednesday is extra special for everybody since tomorrow is Thanksgiving so join the PRETHANKSGIVING PARTY and besides getting higher bonuses every time you deposit (150% on 1<sup>st</sup>, 200% on 2<sup>nd</sup>, 250% on 3<sup>rd</sup> and 270% on 4<sup>th</sup> deposit and on) youll also get this <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%;">
TURKEY ROOM: Dont be a turkey ! Play in the Turkey Room (Brown Room) will play from 6pm9pm ET to win!PROGRESSIVE JACKPOT MUST GO BY THE END OF THE EVENT JUMPING JACKPOT GAMES $25.00$50.00TURKEY HUNTING 3PART GAMES WEDNESDAY DEPOSITORS ONLY!Bingo on Small Drumstick = 1 Point Bingo on Drumstick = 2 Points Bingo on Turkey = 3 Points *The Highest Pattern Collector will receive a delicious box of Festive Petit Fours !<table align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" style="text-align:center;width:85%;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#fe7b05;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;">
Product Code: 93820 » Click Here to get details on this gift.
ACT FAST! GET YOUR 4DAY PASS: Today is the last chance to MAKE ONE DEPOSIT of ANY AMOUNT and earn a 4DAY ENTRY (Thursday to Sunday) into the AllYouCanWinBingo Room .» Click Here to check Programmed Sessions for this week. Programmed Sessions are sessions where YOU KNOW the room is opening! Besides the Program Sessions the room will also open unexpectedly.
DO NOT FORGET! All members that make a single deposit of $100 can play in the Thanksgiving Private Party that is giving away $500.00 pots DAILY !Monday Winner: wonderwinner Tuesday Winner: LuckyAB Wednesday Winner: YOU COULD BE THE WINNER! » During Thanksgiving Day well give away 2 x $500.00 Jackpots ! Login to your account using your username: and your password! If you forgot your password, click on the Live Chat icon below to get assistance.» MORE WEDNESDAY TREATS HERE See you in the Rooms!Love,Laura ChaconBingo Manager
P.S. IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT! NEW BINGOBILLY.COM VOTED #1 THREE YEARS RUNNING! 2007, 2008 AND 2009! GET READY TO VOTE FOR US AGAIN ON DECEMBER 1<sup>ST</sup> AND WIN WITH US FOR THE 4<sup>TH</sup> TIME! The Turkey Room opens to ALL Depositing Members but a deposit on file on Wednesday is required to participate in the Turkey Hunting Games or to claim any BBS won on chat games that the CM could play. In the case someone that doesnt have a deposit on file on Wednesday becomes the Top Collector, well name the next eligible member as the winner. The prize is subject to availability. In case the gift is out of stock at the moment we are sending, well send a similar gift. If a non US customer wins the prize well deposit $30.00 cash instead as is the average cost of this prize. Prize will be delivered during November or during the 1<sup>st</sup> week of December at the latest.150% of the bonuses are credited automatically. Request the remaining as soon as you deposit through Help Desk Ticket!The Thanksgiving Room opens to members that have made a single deposit of $100 (or more) between November 1st and November 24<sup>th</sup> .Promotions outlined in this mailer and the Special Page are valid forWednesday, November 24<sup>th</sup> ONLY!Terms and Conditions apply for every promotion offered.Visit the website for details.*Bingo Billy is a TRADEMARK in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Registration Numbers: 3839995 and 3836791) and EUROPE (No 008369209 and No 008369134)<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:500px;">