I think that this is news worthy! Our member, sambeau, had a great run at Cleos VIP Room the other day and has pending cashouts in the tune of $45,000! He missed the screenshot of the game, Highlands, but posted a very nice screenshot of his pending withdrawals. <a href="https://www.nodepositforum.com/t54140569/cleos-highlander/" >https://www.nodepositforum.com/t54140569/cleos-highlander/</a>Be sure to congratulate him! <a href="http://arlnk.com/?a=90&oc=8&c=209&s1=" title="Cleos Vip Room"><img class="yiv6308580925decoded" src="http://login.affiliaterevenue.com/creatives/209/27FREE468x60USD.gif" alt="undefined" title="Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page." style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" /></a>