Hi guys and gals!
Many of you are wondering what the heck is going on around here, well here's what happened and what's going to happen.
Basically we moved our forum from one server to another. Two totally different companies. The reason why we moved it is because we have a brand new gambling portal and needed our forum to be connected to it. The software that our forum uses is not the easiest to use when it comes to moving forums. That is why there was a week of downtime. Downtime we did not like, but had no control over.
There are issues with the forum move currently. Those mainly being a lot of our banners and pictures did not copy over with the move. The techs are working on that right now and hopefully bring all of our banners and pictures back. If not, the staff here has a whole lot of work ahead.
The second main issue is that our Shoutbox is not working. They are working on that as well. I love the Shoutbox and feel lost without it. No worries though, it will be back. Soon I hope. (As I was writing this post, what appeared? Our Shoutbox!
So we have a new gambling site! The site combined our fearless leader, Belgamo's, sites into one state of the art gambling website. The new website name and url are one we hold near and dear to our hearts, that being No Deposit Forum ... www.nodepositforum.com. So if that's the url to our new site, what's the url to the forum, you ask? It is now https://www.nodepositforum.com/forum/. You can change your bookmarks to this new url.
If you want to access our new site on a daily basis, you can leave your bookmarks. There are links on the new site to the forum. So fear not, you will always have a way to get back to the forum.
That brings up another issue. Clicking on the either of the "home" menu buttons in the top left of the forum, takes you to the new website. They do not take you to the main or front page of the forum like they used to. Clicking "forums" or the top NDF header banner takes you to the front page of the forum. We will re-word "home" so you know clicking it will take you to the new site.
We will have a FREE TO ENTER contest to celebrate the launch of the new site. That will be posted hopefully in a week or two. I want our new site to be preemo before we announce a formal launch of it.
Thank you all for your patience during our move. We are now in our cozy new home and just need to tidy up a bit (here and on the new site) and play some catch up.
That's the haps. Now let's get back to what we love best ..... gambling!
No Deposit Forum portal - www.nodepositforum.com
No Deposit Forum forum - www.nodepositforum.com/forum
I need give a shout out to to the main tech I have been working with. Thank you!
He was not given an easy task. There were many times where frustration was ever present. He worked through it and so did I. And we will continue working until everything is perfect.
Many of you are wondering what the heck is going on around here, well here's what happened and what's going to happen.
Basically we moved our forum from one server to another. Two totally different companies. The reason why we moved it is because we have a brand new gambling portal and needed our forum to be connected to it. The software that our forum uses is not the easiest to use when it comes to moving forums. That is why there was a week of downtime. Downtime we did not like, but had no control over.
There are issues with the forum move currently. Those mainly being a lot of our banners and pictures did not copy over with the move. The techs are working on that right now and hopefully bring all of our banners and pictures back. If not, the staff here has a whole lot of work ahead.
The second main issue is that our Shoutbox is not working. They are working on that as well. I love the Shoutbox and feel lost without it. No worries though, it will be back. Soon I hope. (As I was writing this post, what appeared? Our Shoutbox!

So we have a new gambling site! The site combined our fearless leader, Belgamo's, sites into one state of the art gambling website. The new website name and url are one we hold near and dear to our hearts, that being No Deposit Forum ... www.nodepositforum.com. So if that's the url to our new site, what's the url to the forum, you ask? It is now https://www.nodepositforum.com/forum/. You can change your bookmarks to this new url.
If you want to access our new site on a daily basis, you can leave your bookmarks. There are links on the new site to the forum. So fear not, you will always have a way to get back to the forum.
That brings up another issue. Clicking on the either of the "home" menu buttons in the top left of the forum, takes you to the new website. They do not take you to the main or front page of the forum like they used to. Clicking "forums" or the top NDF header banner takes you to the front page of the forum. We will re-word "home" so you know clicking it will take you to the new site.
We will have a FREE TO ENTER contest to celebrate the launch of the new site. That will be posted hopefully in a week or two. I want our new site to be preemo before we announce a formal launch of it.
Thank you all for your patience during our move. We are now in our cozy new home and just need to tidy up a bit (here and on the new site) and play some catch up.
That's the haps. Now let's get back to what we love best ..... gambling!
No Deposit Forum portal - www.nodepositforum.com
No Deposit Forum forum - www.nodepositforum.com/forum
I need give a shout out to to the main tech I have been working with. Thank you!

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