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On Global Warming


President Bush says he's really going to buckle down now and fight global warming. As a matter of fact, he announced today he's sending 20,000 troops to the sun --David Letterman The report on climate change said that humans are very likely making the planet warmer. To which Hillary Clinton said, 'Hey, can't blame me for that one.' --Jay Leno President Bush has a plan. He says that if we need to, we can lower the temperature dramatically just by switching from Fahrenheit to Celsius --Jimmy Kimmel Scientists say because of global warming they expect the world's oceans to rise four and a half feet. The scientists say this can mean only one thing: Gary Coleman is going to drown. --Conan O'Brien According to a survey in this week's Time magazine, 85% of Americans think global warming is happening. The other 15% work for the White House. --Jay Leno Experts say this global warming is serious, and they are predicting now that by the year 2050, we will be out of party ice. --David Letterman
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