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Online Bingo Site Gives Players Some Love This February! NO USA


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<a href="http://www.jackpotcitybingo.com/?s=aff94853&b=ban7564&currency=pound"><img width="728" src="http://www.clickedyclick.com/phyads/JPB/ban7564.gif" alt="Online Bingo Today Click Here" height="90" /></a>During the month of February they're spreading the love by giving away the following:• Daily hampers of champagne, chocolates andother goodies• A romantic Valentine’s Day dinner fortwo worth £300• Designer sunglasses, handbag &yourFebruary credit card bill paidReap the romantic rewards as you bingo your way to the top<img width="313" src="images/promo/monthpromorules.png" height="29" /> Every day during the month of February we’re giving away a £60 hamper of goodies from Thornton . Simply join us for a game in Bob’s Bingo in a Box Room between 7pm and 9pm. The CM will announce which game it will be between the abovementioned times and the roomie who wins the full house bingo on this game will win the hamper. Furthermore the roomie who wins the daily game the most throughout the month will win the grand prize including designer sunglasses, a handbag and his or her February credit card bill paid . In the event of a second daily win, the roomie will also be able to choose between receiving a different hamper from the first or the cash alternative to the value of the hamper which is £60. Valentine’s Day promotion : During roomie hours on Valentine’s Day, lunch time from 12pm to 2pm and then again in the evening from 7pm to 9pm, the roomie who wins the most FH bingos will win a romantic dinner for two .-- Edited by belgamo at 16:15, 2009-02-14

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