Hi friends: Well, I did it...I spent some money on myself with my PP winnings. All I have done up to this point was pay bills, and we all know that isnt alot of fun, although it does give us great piece of mind, and for that I am thankful. So I went to Best Buy this morning and bought myself a new Dell computer. Monitor didnt come with it of course, so, I had to have one of those too. As of now, it is sitting in the box next to me. You would think I would of tore into it already, had it set up, and would be busy transferring data to it. Well, not exactly...I must say I am feeling a bit intimidated by it. Up to now, I have been working on a 6yr old Dell Deminsion 2400. I have upgraded to the point I can upgrade no further. I have no more slots for memory, no more PCI slots for video cards etc. I already replaced the hard drive once with a bigger one, it simply has become obsolete. (Not to mention I have a 5.1 speaker system on it that is killer. )This old computer of mine is like an old friend. Do you know how sometimes people have a hard time parting with an old car they have had a long time? Thats the way I feel about my old Dell. Silly to some I suppose, but understood by others. My old computer and I have been thru thousands of hours of work, fun, games, chat, e-mail, music, web surfing, and I tell you, I have put it thru hell and back with all these casino downloads. It never once let me down. It would get a little slow sometimes, even freezing up a time or two, but always recovered itself, and came back to me to once again get the job done. I know it has to be getting tired. I leave the power on 24/7, for years now, with the exception of an occasional restart for updates. My fear is that one day soon I will come out to start my morning routine with my old friend, and it will of passed, leaving me only with the blue screen of death to look at. So, it is time to say good-bye to an old and faithful friend. GoodBye old friend, I thank you for all your hard work, and good times. For never letting me down, and always being there for me when I needed you. Day or night. As I shut you down for the last time, may you rest in peace, with no worries I am going to gut your internal parts for other people looking for memory or PCI cards for their old dinosaurs computers. R I P.............................Thanks for reading Pam
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