Click on HELP while in any game and you can see the payout percentage of any game. Left lower corner is where you will find HELP.I checked the payout percentage at Vanguard for Seven and Bars as an example. The expected payback for this game of chance is about 94% Rival slots payout an average of 95%-99% depending on the individual game. Expected payout percentages change as they are audited frequently and are averages over millions of hands.Each Rival game and slot has the same payout percent at each Rival casino. The game payouts are set by Rival Gaming and not by the individual casino. Payback percents are what you can expect to loose over millions of hands.. not from a few hours of play. Use the percentages as a guide to pick a good game, but do not expect to win 95% of the time if you are playing a 95% game.Each game has variance and you would have to play a few million spins to see the average payout. One of the highest payback Rival slots is the iSlot Hole in One at 99%-- Edited by belgamo on Thursday 1st of October 2009 07:26:38 PM
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