I have been checking my Vegas Regal account all day for a 7/4 freebie and there has been nothing except for the massive Independence deposit bonuses. Well, I just logged in again and there is only one deposit bonus and a free $200 contest chip. I have not deposited or entered a contest there in months and months. 13mar13 found a $200 chip also along with the $5 and $50 they gave out a few days ago. I got the $5 and $50 a few days ago and then this shows up. So it wouldn't hurt for you all to check your accounts again. I hope you find it too.
<a href="http://vegasregalcasino.com/get/a/303003" title="ndf">VEGAS REGAL CASINO</a> -- Edited by Mben on Sunday 4th of July 2010 09:41:55 PM

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