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Prayers Needed


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Hi friends,

My friend Donna and I have been friends since she was 18 and I was 19 years old. We have a lot of history together. The story I could tell about us during our younger years would make an interesting short novel. The fact that her son and daughter are half brother and sister to my daughter would be the gist of it.

Donna just had a birthday last Friday, April 8th. One of my granddaughters shares the same birthday with her. She just turned 49 years old. Much too young to be where she is today and that being in the hospital on life support.

She was found very late Friday night unresponsive. She had a severe asthma attack and did not receive oxygen to her brain for at least 10 minutes before she was found by her roommate.

The doctors have been running MRI's, EEG's and every other scan to determine how much brain damage she has, but most all tests come back with the same result and that is that she has severe brain damage. She is heavily sedated because her body keeps seizing for some reason, so she hasn't been conscious for quite some days now to even know what is going on.

I am praying for the best that she pulls through. Sometimes you just know that even though you pray for the best, the best is not going to happen. I am not ready to lose her though. She can't not be a part of my life, she can't leave her children and everyone else who loves her.

No matter what the final result is, can I ask that you say a prayer for her, her children, her family, for me and for my family. My grandson is taking it very hard because Donna was like a 2nd Nana to him. Pray that she feels no discomfort and that if it is her time to leave this world, that God welcomes her with open arms. Pray that God blankets us all with His love so we can forget about the unbearable pain we are all feeling.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this.
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Mben......I will be saying a prayer for your friend Donna, her family, her children, and also your family and you. Life is simply a gift. We never know when we are going to be called home, or if we are left behind, the incredible grief we have to experience. Your friend Donna at 49 shouldn't be going thru this horrible situation, however, she is, and her loved ones are struggling to wrap their heads around it.

My heart is heavy after ready your post. Regardless, when I pray, I pray for "HIS" will, not mine.

Oh Mben, I'm so very sorry. This is a terrible thing indeed.

Remember.....The best for us isn't always what is best for the one we are praying for.

I have a feeling Donna is able to see and hear her Lord right now in her current state.

Bless Donna and her family and friends. Please do let us know any updates you can as you have time.

Many prayers sent.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Thank you everyone. It means so much to me to know you care and for someone you have never met.

It's breaking my heart and I need all the emotional support that you, my friends, are giving me. I know that this is not about me, it is about her, but I am having a hard time handling what's happening, I can't concentrate, I feel numb.

Losing someone you love is never easy. When it's your elderly parents, someone who is fighting a battle it's expected. When it's unexpected, you have so much going through your mind and that's where I am at.

Again, I thank you.
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With a very sad heart, I want to let you know Donna passed away peaceably today.

Thank you all for your prayers.
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Mben, I'm very sorry for your loss and it breaks my heart to think about her children not having their mommy around with them any longer. Yes, when you lose someone this suddenly it's such a shock to your mind and the gammit of emotions a person would go through can wear your mind and body down. Remember to take care of yourself right now. There are some parts of this that can be counted as blessings. She died in a way that was peaceful, without pain or awareness of what was happening. I think any one of us wouldn't mind passing away like that for the most part anyway. And lastly, try and remember all of the good times you must have had together and maybe share them (the ones you can anyway - lol) with her children. I'm sure they will need their auntie Mben to help them along their way through this and in the future.

God bless everyone.


I don't even know you,but will say a prayer for you....something I rarely do. I recently lost my Mom to dementia... Watching someone you love slowly fade away is grueling ,but like you say,the end was expected. To have something like this happen so suddenly must be tough...

John 14:27Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I don't even know you,but will say a prayer for you....something I rarely do. I recently lost my Mom to dementia... Watching someone you love slowly fade away is grueling ,but like you say,the end was expected. To have something like this happen so suddenly must be tough...

John 14:27Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
Thank you for your prayers. Peace is what I need.

Even though a year has gone by since Donna's passing, I can't believe that she is gone. I'm still very emotional about her death.
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I'm sorry, Mben. I know how you feel, because I also lost friends and I know how it hurts. I wish you the courage to overcome all this. Take care of yourself, I will pray for you... Hope that Donna is there well...


Thank you for your prayers. Peace is what I need.

Even though a year has gone by since Donna's passing, I can't believe that she is gone. I'm still very emotional about her death.

Praying for peace, and comfort. Hoping it comes soon. Hugs.
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May 1 will be 15 yrs. since my mom's been gone, and I still think about her every day. She never drank alcohol, or smoked in her life. Ate healthy, and was never sick until she was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 61. She lived two more years. After her death I said to hell with eating "right", exercise, and everything else the so called experts suggest we do, because it doesn't matter. I believe the date of our death was marked the day we were born, so I'm going to do what I want, eat and drink what I want and not worry about it anymore because I saw with my own two eyes it didn't help my mom.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
May 1 will be 15 yrs. since my mom's been gone, and I still think about her every day. She never drank alcohol, or smoked in her life. Ate healthy, and was never sick until she was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 61. She lived two more years. After her death I said to hell with eating "right", exercise, and everything else the so called experts suggest we do, because it doesn't matter. I believe the date of our death was marked the day we were born, so I'm going to do what I want, eat and drink what I want and not worry about it anymore because I saw with my own two eyes it didn't help my mom.
Stay strong, Gadget. It was 20 years since my mom's passing last month on the 8th. I have close friends and family who have passed recently (my dad two years ago, my friend a year ago and my boss this past January) and then my mom's anniversary comes around ... that was a rough day. Sometimes I do think I am being a wimp about all of this, but the deaths of my friend and then my boss were too shocking. They were both 49 years old when they died. Way too young.
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Don't say that. You're not being a wimp, and don't let anyone make you feel that way! We're all different and deal with things differently. There is no right or wrong. A good friend of mine died unexpectedly too about 5 yrs. ago, and it is shocking, and it consumes you. It has gotten better with time... for me anyway. Hugs.
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I posted this on facebook a while back. I have to refer to it often, and it goes with what I said in my reply to you yesterday. I thought I would share it.

your way.png


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