~**I am Red Flushed Away**~ So... Guess what has me acting so gay?Well, it's 'cause I got some mail today!& guess what at me it had to say?It said I have $20 free to play!HIP-HIP-HOORAY! I dont know if it is just for meor if code can be used by anybody!So go and see if you too mayuse this code on their promo page,..and get yourself $20 free!I'll share it with you anyway,My No Deposit Forum Family!Now hurry, ..Go! And Don't delay,Hope it brings us mucho money!For you - For me - For everybody! I am already winning and hope to stay! Here is some info and the code.. PROMOTION CODE: DMN504058US 20 USD Free No deposit required Enjoy your free gift of 20 USD! Make sure that you also visit <a href="http://www.redflush.net/promotions.asp" >your promotions page </a> regularly, to stay up to speed with our ongoing promotions and special offers. As you probably already know, there is always something going on at Red Flush!
~AND THAT IT WILL NOT TURN OUT TO BE PLAYER SPECIFIC...~ -- Edited by Mben on Thursday 9th of September 2010 09:38:33 AM

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