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Rolling Stone Magazine - Anger and Boycotts


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
So what are your feelings about Rolling Stone Magazine featuring a story about Dzhohkar Tsarnaev, the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing, in their latest edition?CVS and Tedeschi Food Shops have vowed not to sell the current issue. They do not want to glorify the evil actions of anyone. Is the cover picture and the story in bad taste? Is just the cover picture in bad taste? I haven't read the article so I cannot comment on that. Here's a picture of the magazine cover on <a href="http://www.boston.com/news/source/2013/07/marathon_bombing_suspect_tsarnaev_makes_cover_of_rolling_sto.html" >Boston.com</a>.


No one has commented on this so far....I won't get to out of sorts, but I gotta tell you, when I saw that guys face on the cover of Rolling Stone, I immediatley felt bad for the victims and their families.I guess I just can't figure out why someone would see it as okay for the guy to make the cover.In closing, I can tell you for me? I was hoping to never have to look at that *&%$# face again!                                                                                                              Pam


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Yeah, no one had commented yet, which surprises me. "
I feel terrible for the victims and the families of those who died as a result of the bombings too. For them to have to see this face again in such a way has to bring up horrible, sickening feelings inside them ."
In the magazine's defense, the caption states How a Popular, Promising Student Was Failed by His Family, Fell Into Radical Islam and Became a Monster. regarding the suspected bomber. They hope the 20 and 30 year olds who are reading their magazine walks away being more educated about what went wrong with this monster . When 9/11 happened, Bin Laden's face was plastered everywhere. Also, they once had Charles Manson on their cover. What is the difference now? "
As far as companies boycotting the magazine .... I feel they are making the decision for me and not allowing me to decide for myself if I would buy the magazine or not. And in their own way, by boycotting the magazine, they are saying he's guilty. But in America isn't a person presumed innocent until proven guilty? There has been no trial yet. "
Just my thoughts.

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