On September 28th, 2012, a lot of us were watching the live car chase through Arizona as police were attempting to catch a carjacker. And unfortunately, a lot of us watched a man kill himself on live television. So that's the end of that, right? A man kills himself, the story ends and just fades away. We all go back to what we were doing.Don't you ever wonder what the whole story is behind the man, the chase and the tragic ending? Don't you ever wonder these things about a lot of news stories that air when they are hot news but then fade away when the story ends?I stumbled on this story about the man who was being chased on the AZ highway and now have a more complete picture of why . <a href="http://www.buzzfeed.com/jtes/why-did-jodon-romero-kill-himself-on-live-television" >http://www.buzzfeed.com/jtes/why-did-jodon-romero-kill-himself-on-live-television</a>