Hi gang:I spend alot of time in the land casino on the weekends. I get there very late, and stay till we hours of the morning before I drag myself to my room and get about 2 hours of sleep, then start my Monday morning bright and early here at NDF. I tell you, the scenery is different at these times than during normal daytime hours. From my experience..people just dont care anymore. You can tell the ones that have been there for many many hours playing as they sorta slouch in the chairs instead of sit, and their eyes are glazed over like a donut looking at the reels.I get a free room on Sunday nights/Monday Morning and it is hardly used. My butt is on the casino floor.Thought it might be fun to share with eachother how long you have stayed awake at a casino before going to bed. I gotta say I was awake about 30 hours on time here in my local casino. (The coffee they make is sooo strong, it should have a skull and crossbones on the cup.)Went to Vegas one time, and did about the same thing. Of course it is easy to lose track of time when you are there anyways. lolLooking forward to reading some funny stories about casinos and sleep deprivation. Thanks for reading. Pam
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