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Slotastic Pays Out BIG to A Lucky Winner!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
LONDON -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- A Slotastic slots winner is glad he cancelled his payout request after he ended up on a $95,000 winning streak.Last weekend, Robert E. was having trouble falling asleep and decided to play some online slots games for awhile. He cancelled a payout request he'd submitted earlier so he'd have money in his account to play with and then logged on to one of his favorite slots, Loose Caboose. He started winning right from the start.The 59-year-old player, who is preparing for retirement with his wife, won a $35,000 jackpot almost immediately. He kept playing the same game over that weekend and won another $60,000. By Sunday night he'd won $95,000. That jackpot sure got me off to a great start, explained the winner. Then I kept getting free spins that really boosted my wins. You know, when you're getting old, you don't see too well, so I did a double-take when I heard the winnings! I had to get my wife to come over and see how much I suddenly had in my account. She couldn't believe it either -- but her eyes are better than mine and she said I sure had won a pile of money! Robert says he won't be splashing his winnings around. I am a very low key person, so I won't splurge with all this money, he told a Slotastic customer service agent. But that's not to say we won't take a nice trip in the near future. I love that game Loose Caboose. It's my absolute fave, even when I am not winning! For me it's the entertainment that counts, although winning sure has its pros!

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