Good Luck EveryoneSlotLand / LuckeeB
09 / 21 / 2017 - $ 25.00
09 / 21 / 2017 - $ 25.00
09 / 24 / 2017 - $ 25.00
09 / 25 / 2017 - $ 25.00
10 / 02 / 2017 - $ 25.00
10 / 05 / 2017 - $ 25.00
10 / 05 / 2017 - $ 25.00
10 / 07 / 2017 - $ 25.00
10 / 07 / 2017 - $ 25.00
10 / 07 / 2017 - $ 75.00
10 / 08 / 2017 - $ 100.00
10 / 08 / 2017 - $ 300.00
10 / 08 / 2017 - $ 25.00
Picks = 29
0007, 0157, 0329, 0501, 0777, 1007, 1882, 2171, 2345, 2685, 3114, 3448, 3999, 4210,
4321, 4800, 5141, 5667, 5965, 6012, 6998, 7070, 7339, 7555, 8175, 8539, 9333, 9607, 9998
10 / 06 / 2017 - $ 25.00
Thank you for Contest - Your
Additional Deposits
10/17/2017 $ 200.00
10/19/2017 $ 25.00
10/21/2017 $ 25.00
10/21/2017 $ 25.00
Picks = 11
0001, 0072, 0222, 0999, 1500, 2999, 3330, 4441, 6333, 7171, 8008
Which casino are your additional entries for, LuckeeB? Thanks!Additional Deposits
10/17/2017 $ 200.00
10/19/2017 $ 25.00
10/21/2017 $ 25.00
10/21/2017 $ 25.00
Picks = 11
0001, 0072, 0222, 0999, 1500, 2999, 3330, 4441, 6333, 7171, 8008
I don't think anyone has - we're probably out of luck until Monday morning (@ the earliest), despite Mben's best efforts - the casino rep is probably gone for the weekend.Booooo still haven't received mine yet...