Here is the story......I withdrew my tourney winnings from Rushmore, but had saved some to play with. Do you know I forget I had? I went to check my withdrawl last night and had the $100 sitting in my account I had left out. (My withdrawl is $1400.) I started to spin. I must have played all my favorites, and just kept winning little by little and kept increasing my bet as quick as my bankroll would allow. I was up to over $1000 bucks when I went to Tritons Treasure, and had that awesome hit. Then, I thought for sure the bottom fell out but I kept spinning, and left my bet high. ALL OR NOTHING. WIN BIG OR GO HOME. SCARED MONEY DOESNT MAKE MONEY. All that ran thru my head. So I pushed on. It was getting late, and as a last choice I went to Loose Caboose. Had two rotten bonus rounds before I got the full screen bonus with the train on all three rows. My screen shot was my result. Was up to $7300 bucks at one point. Played down to $6000 and hit the cashout button. Now I get to wait for two withdrawls, but the first one is close to being approved, and now they have a second one. The casino has been uninstalled. Pam