Let me start by saying ... I am an American. I am proud to be an American. I will defend my COUNTRY to the end. All citizens of the USA should defend our country to the end also. However, I do not support the GOVERNMENT fully. I do not support half the elected officials who attempt to create or have created laws that go against what I believe in, etc., etc. and ad infinitum. I support my country, the citizens of my country ..... not the people who run our country. There is a difference. With that said .... here I go. Wow! I'm kind of embarrassed for the people of AZ or for the people who voted these fools into office! This article broke it down a bit better for me and shows another proposal that was introduced also. <a href="http://www.northernarizonagazette.com/tag/hb-2467/" >http://www.northernarizonagazette.com/tag/hb-2467/</a>1. HB 2284, sponsored by Representative Steve Smith would require schools in grades one to twelve to set aside a specific time during the day in which students would be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance unless their parents specifically request the pupil be excused.My feelings about this is I grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school. I have no problem with this. To me, children need a foundation, structure, guidance and education as their delicate minds are being formed before they are able to make decisions for themselves. Once they are able to make their own decisions, they should be able to choose which flag they want to pledge their allegiance to. But here it is. A part of the POA .... one nation under God ... is where the 1st amendment comes to the forefront. The government cannot make a law that enforces respecting an establishment of religion or impeding the free exercise of religion. So rewrite the POA and take the word God out if it is such a big deal but don't take away a pledge that ALL Americans as a citizen of the USA should believe in ... to their core. 2. (This is the one you are referring to PSP) Another bill raising constitutional eyebrows is sponsored by freshman Representative Bob Thorpe. HB 2467, would require students to take an oath to support and defend the Constitution similar to those required by public officials. In addition to passing the required course of instruction, the principle or head teacher of a school would have to certify in writing that the student performed the following oath :I, _________, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely , without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge these duties; So help me God.This is total BS! And a contradiction. How can you state under oath that you took the obligation freely when there is a very large stake at hand .... the fact that a child won't be able to graduate (regardless that their grades were good) unless they perform this oath? That doesn't sound free to me. If my gradutaing child does not hold this oath true to his/her heart, he/she should not forced to recite it. No if's, and's or but's about it. BUT, if my child does not believe in this oath, I would question who's allegiance (country) he/she holds! I would not question which God they are praying to. That is their choice. But if they choose to be recognized as a citizen of the USA, then there should be no question that they believe in this oath ... to the point of So help me God. The article (link above) goes on to say that Representative Thorpe said that the intent was to inspire the students to further study the Constitution. He said, however, that he intends to change the wording of the bill to make it voluntary . Now I must see about voicing my concern over these two issues and making sure people I know are aware of what their AZ government is attempting to make into law. Thank you, PSP. I wouldn't have known. -- Edited by Mben on Tuesday 29th of January 2013 11:34:36 AM