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Swine Flu


I just wanted to say something about this horrific swine flu spread that is going on. I just read that the president just declared an emergency. This is insane if you ask me. Where in the world did this come from anyway. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families that have lost a love one due to this. I was sick a couple weeks ago, it was real bad and that might be what i had. Not sure tho as I didnt go to the doctor. I sure hope this evil virus goes away.
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Yes, very scarey!!

<cite class="vcard">By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer Philip Elliott, Associated Press Writer </cite> <abbr title="2009-10-24T09:26:25-0700" class="timedate">Sat Oct 24, 12:26 pm ET</abbr> WASHINGTON President Barack Obama declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency and empowered his health secretary to suspend federal requirements and speed treatment for thousands of infected people.The declaration that Obama signed late Friday authorized Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to bypass federal rules so health officials can respond more quickly to the outbreak, which has killed more than 1,000 people in the United States.The goal is to remove bureaucratic roadblocks and make it easier for sick people to seek treatment and medical providers to provide it immediately. That could mean fewer hurdles involving Medicare, Medicaid or health privacy regulations. As a nation, we have prepared at all levels of government, and as individuals and communities, taking unprecedented steps to counter the emerging pandemic , Obama wrote in the declaration, which the White House announced Saturday.He said the pandemic keeps evolving, the rates of illness are rising rapidly in many areas and there's a potential to overburden health care resources . Because of vaccine production delays, the government has backed off initial, optimistic estimates that as many as 120 million doses would be available by mid-October. As of Wednesday, only 11 million doses had been shipped to health departments , doctor's offices and other providers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials said.The government now hopes to have about 50 million doses of swine flu vaccine out by mid-November and 150 million in December.The flu virus has to be grown in chicken eggs, and the yield hasn't been as high as was initially hoped, officials explained.Swine flu is more widespread now than it's ever been. Health authorities say almost 100 children have died from the flu, known as H1N1, and 46 states now have widespread flu activity. Worldwide, more than 5,000 people have reportedly died from swine flu since it emerged this year and developed into a global epidemic, the World Health Organization said Friday. Since most countries have stopped counting individual swine flu cases, the figure is considered an underestimate.
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I feel sad for all the families that have to deal with a loss because of this flu. May you all stay safe and healthy!


I couldn't agree more, this is VERY scary! I almost refuse to go out anywhere with my 3year old daughter, until I can get her vacinated, I keep calling her doctor, and still no vacines available. I am a stay at home mom, but I fear her dad, who works around different people everyday, could some how bring the virus home, I almost feel like moving out, til she is vacinated, I understand it sounds crazy, but I do not want to take any chances when it comes to my baby. "
Great discussion thread, stay healthy and safe everyone!


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Something that I have been doing since I have my 2 year old grandson with me 24/7 (it seems) when we go to the stores, I will look for the disenfection wipiesto wipe the shopping cart handle with. Walmart always has them when you enter the store around the shopping cart area."
I never worried about it with my daughter, but that was 22 years ago when she was a baby and we didn't have as much to worry about then, like we do now."


I agree it makes you not want to go anywhere. I basically make a quick trip to the store when necessary. I hope everyone stays healthy and this thing will pass soon, all we can do is pray to the good lord to protect us all. Hugs to all


I am in southern Minnesota and my son just told me that the town about 20 miles north of us has several cases on swine flu. Probably be closing that school for awhile."
Hope it stays up that way.


Keeping the Swine Flu in Perspective

You cant listen to the news for five minutes without hearing a story about the Swine Flu.  It is amazing at how this has taken center stage in just a few weeks. By the sound of things, you would think we are on the edge of a pandemic......we need to remember that what drives the media is drama. If they can keep you glued to the TV set, the radio station, or their website, then they they win with their advertisers. Dont discount how this impacts the 24-hour news cycle....its important to maintain perspectiveThis Swine Flu epidemic is blown way out of perspective.  Consider the facts.In the US, over 50,000 people die annually from influenza, the flu.  According to the World Health Organization, fewer than 5,000 people have died around the globe from this variant of swine flu. In any normal year, influenza causes between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths worldwide.This is not to downplay the seriousness of the H1N1 virus.  Be aware and cautious, but don't freak out.Here are some links you may want to check out (there are plenty more...research the topic and you'll see)...http://www.examiner.com/x-6495-US-Intelligence-Examiner~y2009m10d28-Swine-Flu-Cases-CBS-reports-CDC-deception-on-swine-flu-caseshttp://www.opednews.com/articles/Swine-Flu-in-Perspective--by-Rady-Ananda-090428-575.htmlhttp://www.thestar.com/comment/article/717085?bn=1http://www.migraine-headaches-information.com/blog/?p=74I urge you to research the topic for yourself.  Relying on mainstream TV and cable channels as your primary source of news will get you information confounded with marketing tactics, monetary matters, and not the whole picture.Please wash your hands and stay clean.  But, don't go wasting your money on hand sanitizers and antibacterial soaps thinking you're going to somehow stop the H1N1 virus dead on its tracks.  You can't kill a virus..and plus, this H1N1 is an airborne pathogen. ...anyhow, just my 2 cents


Thanks ishin for that information. I have to say, this week is just terrible though. My 2 little cousins had/have H1N1, my sister now has it and my neice also had it. The Tamiflu seems to help it alot from getting any worse. I am defiantely been trying to stay away from everyone so as I don't bring it home to my granddaughters or my mother who has lung problems to begin with."
Again, I hope you all stay safe and healthy!


queenmap wrote: Thanks ishin for that information. I have to say, this week is just terrible though. My 2 little cousins had/have H1N1, my sister now has it and my neice also had it. The Tamiflu seems to help it alot from getting any worse. I am defiantely been trying to stay away from everyone so as I don't bring it home to my granddaughters or my mother who has lung problems to begin with.Again, I hope you all stay safe and healthy!
queenmap, I'm so sorry about your cousins. I wish them both a speedy recovery. I am so torn if I should have my kids get the   flu shot or not.  My  mother in law called us and said she heard on the news there was mercury in the H1N1 shot. I have to call my  daughter's pediatrician today and see what he says about it. 


ishin wrote: You cant listen to the news for five minutes without hearing a story about the Swine Flu.  It is amazing at how this has taken center stage in just a few weeks. By the sound of things, you would think we are on the edge of a pandemic......we need to remember that what drives the media is drama. If they can keep you glued to the TV set, the radio station, or their website, then they they win with their advertisers. Dont discount how this impacts the 24-hour news cycle....its important to maintain perspectiveThis Swine Flu epidemic is blown way out of perspective.  Consider the facts.In the US, over 50,000 people die annually from influenza, the flu.  According to the World Health Organization, fewer than 5,000 people have died around the globe from this variant of swine flu. In any normal year, influenza causes between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths worldwide.This is not to downplay the seriousness of the H1N1 virus.  Be aware and cautious, but don't freak out.Here are some links you may want to check out (there are plenty more...research the topic and you'll see)...http://www.examiner.com/x-6495-US-Intelligence-Examiner~y2009m10d28-Swine-Flu-Cases-CBS-reports-CDC-deception-on-swine-flu-caseshttp://www.opednews.com/articles/Swine-Flu-in-Perspective--by-Rady-Ananda-090428-575.htmlhttp://www.thestar.com/comment/article/717085?bn=1http://www.migraine-headaches-information.com/blog/?p=74I urge you to research the topic for yourself.  Relying on mainstream TV and cable channels as your primary source of news will get you information confounded with marketing tactics, monetary matters, and not the whole picture.Please wash your hands and stay clean.  But, don't go wasting your money on hand sanitizers and antibacterial soaps thinking you're going to somehow stop the H1N1 virus dead on its tracks.  You can't kill a virus..and plus, this H1N1 is an airborne pathogen. ...anyhow, just my 2 cents
Whatever the situation truly is, we need to protect our kids. It may be not be an epidemic or it may be, but all I know is that it sure is making  it's rounds in schools. 


My daughter has her three chrildren down with it and I am praying day and night. She is pregnant and due any day. It's like a nightmare. "
Appreciate any prayers. Thanks


Lauralaten,  So sorry for what you must be going through. I wish  them all a full  quick recovery. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


I will be praying as well, I have decided I will not be taking my daughter trick or treating this year, instead buying her a bucket of candy and sitting at home. I live is a very small town and already there have been multiple cases of the flu, and schools are thinking of shutting down. Maybe I am overreacting, but when it comes to my familys health, I think one can never be too cautious! Stay healthy everyone, and again my prayers are with all the families that have been affected!


Thanks everyone and lauralen I hope your kids' get better quickly. It seems as though the Tamiflu really helps and within a day or two they are feeling better and back to normal. "
I agree with the media hype thing though because, found out the doctors haven't even tested my sister or my neice, they just told them they have it. Geez! Come on now docs, test for this crap. No wonder there are so many cases of it!!"
Mben, yes there is mercury in the shot but very small traces of it. They won't make it and give it to somone if it would harm them, right? IDK!


True there is mercury in the shot, about the same amount you would get from eating a platter of shrimp, or other seafood. I beleive that the benifits out weigh the risks, At first I was against the shot! Just my opinion!


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queenmap wrote: Mben, yes there is mercury in the shot but very small traces of it. They won't make it and give it to somone if it would harm them, right? IDK!
queenmap, That was Konesha that mentioned that but I would never put it past any pharmaceutical company to come out with a vaccine that does contain something that could harm someone. Could be just one person out of a million that it affects but still one person is too many! Reason for their disclaimers of side affects ??? 


queenmap wrote: Thanks everyone and lauralen I hope your kids' get better quickly. It seems as though the Tamiflu really helps and within a day or two they are feeling better and back to normal. I agree with the media hype thing though because, found out the doctors haven't even tested my sister or my neice, they just told them they have it. Geez! Come on now docs, test for this crap. No wonder there are so many cases of it!!Mben, yes there is mercury in the shot but very small traces of it. They won't make it and give it to somone if it would harm them, right? IDK!
Yes queenmap, so many of these H1N1 cases are false positives.  Whats even more disturbing, like in your situation, is when these docs spit out the H1N1 diagnosis to their patients without even going through any differential diagnosing procedures.Another example of corporations using fear to drive an industry.I am glad to hear that your family is feeling better.


Doctors are being aggressive, and they should when dealing with a virus as lethal as the H1N1, Sure H1N1 doesn't cause near the amount of deaths that the seasonal flu does, but the reason it is so feared, is the fact that it is killing perfectly healthy people, young children, unlike the seasonal flu that usually kills the elderly, and people with immune problems. I feel like the doctors should be overly aggressive, that is the only way they are going to get this under control, start passing out Tamiflu to everyone that has signs, stop this outbreak!


I had to go to the doctor the other day and was talking to one of the nurses about this and she said that most of the 4th grade here was in the office and tested positive for swine flu but she said they don't do the actual test so they are actually suspected cases of swine flu ."
Here's and interesting article about this too....."


All three children returned to school today and Mom -to-be is doing well. Thank you so much for your prayers and good wishes. "
My prayers to all families going thru this. Sure hope this flu is stopped in it's tracks soon. Takes your mind of the ecomomy and lets you realize what is really important----our health and our families.


Well, I finally got my daughter vacinated yesterday, I can finally be a little at ease. Now maybe we can go out a little more, I have kept her so confined last month or so, I am sure she is ready to get out, as am I.


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That's good Mistey. Keep the children safe and healthy!!"
I just found out that an ex co worker of mine had all 4 of her kids down with the swine flu and herself also. While she was out of work dealing with that, she got rear ended with her children in the car. She's still in a neckbrace and still out from work. "
When it rains, it pours!


My daughter was diagnosed with the swine flu yesterday, and my 2 little grandchildren have flu like symtoms  and they all spent halloween where? yep, Grammy's house (me) guess who is getting fly like symtoms now? Yep, Grammy.  It's nasty and easily contagious and all I did was give hugs and kisses all night to them and my grand-daughter (age 6) had to sleep with me! It has consumed all of my loved ones! Yuck...shivering, hot and cold sweats, and head-ache, even the light from my lap top hurts my eyes! God help all from getting this and keep them from spreading this please!


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Man Lynda!! It sounds real nasty!! Get better soon and please don't pass it along to the forum! LOL


yes Mben it is nasty, the light still hurts my eyes as i write this......My daughter called and said she feels better than yesterday.  I will try real hard not to spread the YUCK only the LUV lol

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