First of all thanks for the opportunity to share and to win prizes - this forum continually gives back to it's members and makes every day feel almost like Christmas.
I want to do more than say thank you, and with the help of Raging Bull Casino and Jason, the best casino rep ever, I am happy to invite you specially to The Chillymellow Freeroll.
The game is Naughty or Nice? and the buy-in is free. No add ons allowed, but if you don't like your score, you can rebuy and retry up to 25 times for $1.10 each.
The tourney is running and will last for 14 days. Your gift is 10,000 credits and 10 minutes. Happy Spinning, everyone!
Only the first 1000 players will be allowed in! Good luck, and maybe there will even be something more from Santa for the best boys and girls.
(p.s. the password is....chillymellow)
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