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The Official Santa Tracker For All The Good Little Boys and Girls Across the Globe!


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Parents, grandparents and anyone who has a child in their life ............Enjoy your little one's amazement while they watch Santa fly around the world as Norad tracks him.I wish I could see all their little faces light up as they are watching!Merry Christmas everyone!<a href="http://www.noradsanta.org/" >http://www.noradsanta.org/</a>


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TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - NORAD is tracking Santa right now! It's providing updates by phone, Facebook and Twitter and email. If you call, someone will answer and will give you updates. Last year, volunteers answered more than 100, 000 calls, and the website had more than 20 million hits.1. If you call 877-HI-NORAD, a live person will give you an update. <a href="http://www.noradsanta.org" >Online</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/noradsanta" >Facebook</a>, Twitter, @NoradSanta. <a href="http://noradtrackssantaoutlook.com">Email</a>. Smartphone apps are also available at app stores. NORAD's Santa operations center opens at 6 a.m. ET on Dec. 24. NORAD says Santa usually starts in the South Pacific and hits New Zealand and Australia before heading to Japan and Asia. Africa and Europe are next, followed by North America and South America. Santa calls the shots, NORAD says on its website. We just track him! 2. HOW MANY PEOPLE FOLLOW SANTA? Last year, volunteers answered 114,000 phone calls from around the world. The website had 22.3 million unique visitors. NORAD Tracks Santa had 1.2 million followers on Facebook and 129,000 on Twitter. 3. WHY DOES NORAD DO IT? In 1955, a local newspaper advertisement invited children to call Santa but mistakenly listed the hotline or NORAD's predecessor. Rather than disappoint the kids, commanders told them they indeed knew where Santa was. NORAD, a U.S.-Canadian operation based at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo., continues the tradition every Christmas Eve. 4. WHY WAS THERE CONTROVERSY THIS YEAR? A children's advocacy group complained that an animated video on the NORAD Tracks Santa website injected militarism into Christmas by showing fighter jets escorting Santa's sleigh on a 39-second video promoting the event. NORAD says the fighter escort is nothing new. NORAD began depicting jets accompanying Santa and his reindeer in the 1960s. 5. WHAT DO KIDS ASK WHEN THEY CALL? Among the questions kids have had on their minds when they called in previous years: - Am I on the nice list or the naughty list? - Can you put my brother on the naughty list? - Are you an elf? - How much to adopt one of Santa's reindeer?


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
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Oh those Iranians! Santa was in that area a bit ago. I hope he is armed heavier than them! hahah "
Oh, he can pull out all the Nerf guns the boys are getting as presents this year if he needs to! :lol:

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