daremeto wrote: sorry guys don't mean to rain on your parade but I find nothing funny about death. just adding my two cents so please don't be mad at me
Too late! I'm mad as hell!

OK, not really

I will admit that I do have a strange, perverted, and yes - even morbid sense of humor, but the death of their interviewee wasn't what made the video funny. IMO, it was funny because it was so absurd! The premise that these two happy talk hosts could simply exploit this guy's obvious problems without worrying about the consequences if things went badly - and then they do go horribly wrong - is the funny part.There is little that is funny about the death of a loved one

... normally, but sometimes...

We had a family friend who was in his mid 60s. He seemed like a pretty good family guy, devoted husband and father, etc. - until one day he decided to dump the wife and shack up with a girl that he met at work who was 30 years his junior.All was peaches and sweetness for him and his new squeeze for about 3 months - then we got the call one afternoon from the jilted wife. It turns out that our elderly stud had a bad ticker that he wasn't aware of. Apparently this guy came and went all at the same time...

I didn't want to snicker, but how could I resist? I felt sorry for the wife and kids, but the bastard got what he deserved

How can you not laugh at THAT?