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This might push the limits of geekdom here, but I think that it is pretty cool


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
<a href="http://www.universetoday.com/102530/getting-ready-for-iss-all-nighters-in-june/">http://www.universetoday.com/102530/getting-ready-for-iss-all-nighters-in-june/</a> Starting at 12:30 Universal Time/8:30 AM EDT on Monday, June 3 <sup style="padding:0px;margin:0px;font-family:Lustria, arial, sans-serif;">rd</sup>, the ISS will enter a phase of permanent illumination throughout the length of its orbit.  The station will remain in sunlight and will not experience an orbital sunset until five days later, when it briefly dips into the Earths shadow on June 8 <sup style="padding:0px;margin:0px;font-family:Lustria, arial, sans-serif;">th</sup> at 11:50 UT/ 7:50 AM EDT. <br style="padding:0px;margin:0px;" /><br style="padding:0px;margin:0px;" /> You can put your zip code in here to get the schedule in your area: <a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Unspecified&alt=0&tz=UCT">http://www.heavens-above.com/?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Unspecified&alt=0&tz=UCT</a>
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where do you put your zip code in at? i looked all over the page and could not see where to enter it


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
daremeto wrote: where do you put your zip code in at? i looked all over the page and could not see where to enter it
 OK, sorry - maybe not your zip code, but put your city and state in here:<a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/SelectTown.aspx?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Unspecified&alt=0&tz=UCT">http://www.heavens-above.com/SelectTown.aspx?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Unspecified&alt=0&tz=UCT</a>


ok it is country which they auto fill and in the other box i put the city i live in and it came up with thisHood River Oregon Hood River 45.706°N 121.520°W 114 m show mapso what am i doing wrong?


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I put in just Tucson and got this ...<a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/?lat=32.22167&lng=-110.9258&loc=Tucson&alt=751&tz=Arizona">Tucson</a> Arizona Pima 32.222°N 110.926° W 751 m<a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/LocationFromGoogleMaps.aspx?lat=32.22167&lng=-110.9258&loc=Tucson&alt=751&tz=Arizona"></a><a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/?lat=39.35639&lng=-82.82611&loc=Tucson&alt=220&tz=EST">Tucson</a> Ohio Ross 39.356° N82.826°W 220 m<a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/LocationFromGoogleMaps.aspx?lat=39.35639&lng=-82.82611&loc=Tucson&alt=220&tz=EST"></a>I didn't now there was another Tucson in the US besides the one in Arizona. lol daremeto, what is not right about your results?  


________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Starting at 12:30 Universal Time/8:30 AM EDT on Monday, June 3rd, the ISS will enter a phase of permanent illumination throughout the length of its orbit. The station will remain in sunlight and will not experience an orbital sunset until five days later, when it briefly dips into the Earths shadow on June 8th at 11:50 UT/ 7:50 AM EDT.You can put your zip code in here to get the schedule in your area________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________unless i am missing something that is not a schedule when the station will be in my area. i think it will be kewl to see the lights of the station and would like to know when it will be passing over the area i live in.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
daremeto wrote: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Starting at 12:30 Universal Time/8:30 AM EDT on Monday, June 3rd, the ISS will enter a phase of permanent illumination throughout the length of its orbit. The station will remain in sunlight and will not experience an orbital sunset until five days later, when it briefly dips into the Earths shadow on June 8th at 11:50 UT/ 7:50 AM EDT.You can put your zip code in here to get the schedule in your area________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________unless i am missing something that is not a schedule when the station will be in my area. i think it will be kewl to see the lights of the station and would like to know when it will be passing over the area i live in.
Now I understand. There is no time given.  Hmmm? 
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
OK, here are step-by-step instructions:Go here and put in your city to get your longitude and lattitude <a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/SelectTown.aspx?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Unspecified&alt=0&tz=UCT">http://www.heavens-above.com/SelectTown.aspx?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Unspecified&alt=0&tz=UCT</a> Select the correct city (if there is more than one Tucson, for example), then click Submit at the bottom of the mapIf you live in a rural area, go to this map and click where you are. the longitude and lattitude will be below the map <a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/LocationFromGoogleMaps.aspx?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Unspecified&alt=0&tz=UCT">http://www.heavens-above.com/LocationFromGoogleMaps.aspx?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Unspecified&alt=0&tz=UCT</a> then click Submit at the bottom of the map Once you have that, look under the Satellites heading for ISS (International Space Station). Click the blue ISS - this will give you a list of all of the potential viewing times over the next 10 days.For daremeto (using   45.706°N 121.520°W and Pacific Time Zone) this list appears:  <a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/PassSummary.aspx?satid=25544&lat=45.70618&lng=-121.4978&loc=Unspecified&alt=110&tz=PST">http://www.heavens-above.com/PassSummary.aspx?satid=25544&lat=45.70618&lng=-121.4978&loc=Unspecified&alt=110&tz=PST</a>For Mben, you get this:<a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/PassSummary.aspx?satid=25544&lat=32.22167&lng=-110.9258&loc=Tucson&alt=751&tz=Arizona">http://www.heavens-above.com/PassSummary.aspx?satid=25544&lat=32.22167&lng=-110.9258&loc=Tucson&alt=751&tz=Arizona</a>
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
BTW, you won't see the lights on the ISS - you will see the sunlight reflecting off of it. It will look like a fast airplane, but without any flashing lights


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Thanks for the instructions, PSP. To be honest, I got lost right here (look under the Satellites heading for ISS (International Space Station). Click the blue ISS - this will give you a list of all of the potential viewing times ... I could not find a Satellites heading ) so I am glad you gave me the link to my actual schedule. So now I got my schedule and will try to catch it on one of those nights. :thumb:


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Step 1 - open the webpage <a href="http://www.heavens-above.com/">http://www.heavens-above.com/</a> and click on the link to the map
  Step 2  - Click on the map where you want to view from and then click Submit
  Step 3 - Click on the blue ISS listed in the satellite section
Step 4 - You will see the list of times that the International Space Station will be visible over the next 10 days
  If you really want to get wild and crazy, instead of clicking on the blue ISS in Step 3, you can click on one of the other satellites listed - like the Chinese spacecraft Shenzhou 10 that just launched earlier today (or yesterday) If you need any more help than this, please feel free to send me a first class airline ticket and a few thousand dollars and I'll be happy to show you personally! :thumb:   
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Thanks for the detailed instructions, PSP. I was able to follow them this time. I'm sure I chose select map after it brought up the 2 Tucsons in the list but never got the map. If I had, I probably would have gotten the time table. I may have been in a rush and just didn't let the page load completely.-- Edited by Mben on Thursday 13th of June 2013 05:04:48 PM


thanks PSP for the link i really appreciate it because i couldn't figure it out on my own. tonight i should be able to see something around 5:12. and thanks for the heads up on seeing the sunlight reflection because i would of been looking for flashing lights

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