Why You Should Not Pay Attention to These Common Gamblers' Beliefs </h1> By <a href="user/6785/patrick_st_john.html" class="link_orange">Patrick St. John </a> The world of casino gambling has more than its share of facts and fables. Unfortunately, many players have a tendency to believe too many of them. And that can lead to an unrealistic approach, which in turn can cause you to leave more money behind than those who know and pay attention to the truths.This is not advice on how to win at certain games. You won't find anything about systems, either. And this is not intended for problem gamblers. There are plenty of books and articles on those subjects. But if you're interested in separating the facts from the fables, the information that follows may give you an entirely new and more profitable outlook. Following are some of the most common statements made by gamblers, and why they are the biggest gambling falsehoods around. I'm playing with the casino's money. How often have you heard that? People say it all the time when they're ahead, especially when they've won early. But in reality, nobody ever plays with the casino's money. If you win money at a casino - any amount, any time, on any game - that money is yours, not theirs. You can do what you please with it. You wouldn't have that option if it belonged to them. And if you ever tried to walk out with the casino's money, you'd be assured of a very unpleasant encounter with their security people. Bottom line: Treat all money in your possession as yours, because it is. Whether you brought it with you or won it, it's yours. If you throw it around recklessly as if it belonged to the casino, chances are it will by the time you leave. I only go to a casino for entertainment. A lot of people claim they're only at the casino to be entertained, and that the money doesn't matter. Personally I don't believe it, and neither should you. The real reason - and the only reason - anyone goes into a casino is to try and win money. If you're looking for entertainment, there are shows, concerts, and sporting events. If you're trying to win money, head for a casino.
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