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tornado advice


For some reason we have been getting horrible weather here in the south.I live in georgia but between the southern states there has been over 200 tornados hit just this month.I am really embarressed to admit how much of a chicken i am but it really scares me.We get maybe 1 or 2 every few years but nothing like this.I cowered in my basement and prayed i was so scared,even trees fell all around one small one in my back yard.If you have any advice on the best thing to do i would appreciate it and thanks kk,pam,and ppc for the support because i felt like i was all alone and that people would laugh at how afraid i was.-- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 22nd of April 2011 09:20:43 AM
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H cat:Tornados are a serious threat, and you are right to not take them lightly. This advice on what to do comes from www.fema.gov. It is fantastic advice to follow.Here in Michigan we have our share of tornados too, and I am as scared as possible during those times.  You are not alone.Stay safe my friend:                                                                                    Pam If you are under a tornado WARNING, seek shelter immediately!<table style="width:95%;" summary="This table for layout purpose only" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><th valign="top">If you are in:Then:</th>A structure (e.g. residence, small building, school, nursing home, hospital, factory, shopping center, high-rise building)Go to a pre-designated shelter area such as a safe room, basement, storm cellar, or the lowest building level. If there is no basement, go to the center of an interior room on the lowest level (closet, interior hallway) away from corners, windows, doors, and outside walls. Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside. Get under a sturdy table and use your arms to protect your head and neck. Do not open windows.A vehicle, trailer, or mobile homeGet out immediately and go to the lowest floor of a sturdy, nearby building or a storm shelter. Mobile homes, even if tied down, offer little protection from tornadoes.The outside with no shelterLie flat in a nearby ditch or depression and cover your head with your hands. Be aware of the potential for flooding.Do not get under an overpass or bridge. You are safer in a low, flat location.Never try to outrun a tornado in urban or congested areas in a car or truck. Instead, leave the vehicle immediately for safe shelter.Watch out for flying debris. Flying debris from tornadoes causes most fatalities and injuries.
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Don't feel alone cat as when it comes to tornadoes and severe weather I hate it and afraid too. Pam gave you the best possible advise above and thats pretty much all one can do to stay safe along with a prayer.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
cat034 wrote: If you have any advice on the best thing to do i would appreciate it ....
Move to Tucson! lolNot a laughing matter, I know cat but I have no advise to offer other than that. That was one of the main reasons my dad decided to retire here in the Southwest. There are no real natural disasters that we need to worry about. Maybe a flashflood to worry about (if a person was stupid enough to cross a running wash in their car during Monsoon) or a few dust Devils here and there. Stay safe my friend!! And never feel alone. If I was there in GA and one of those things came rolling in, I'd be a chittin' bricks too!!  -- Edited by Mben on Saturday 23rd of April 2011 01:34:02 PM


don't blame you for being scared. i'm in arkansas. we had 7 killed within the last week. i just stay on my computer playing and keep an eye on the tv and wake my husband when they say a tornado is here in my county. My husband says he can't believe i'm so scared since we moved two years ago, but we had a huge old tree fall on our house about 3 years ago. and all the storms this week are nightly, all night long. just pray and believe it will all be all right.


Greedy Gambler
They are certainly something to be afraid of! Lived in MN most of my life and have seen only 3 of them. I live in the part of MN that doesn't get many. Thankfully! What a awesome and scary site to see. Last June we had one here. It missed our place, but devasting straight line winds. The tornado missed us by 1/4 mile.....Was so thankful!


Hey Cat,I'm in Alabama, We're still cleaning up the mess from Wednesdays storms. It took down some big treesin our yard and the scared the heck out a Me and my Wife. These storms seem to be getting worse each yearhere in the south with Tornado, Straight line winds like Ive never seen, Flash floods, etc....Any way be prepared to take cover even when its just a severe thunder storm warning becausethey are so unpredictable now.Going to the basement is the best thing to do.


thanks u guys i dont feel so alone now (hey signman bad news the storms are coming back for wed and thursday sucks being us)


I have always been the biggest 'chicken' here !!!! I panic in these storms. I am in Illinois and it's been horrible. Look what happened to St Louis airport last night....not very far from me.....don't be embarresed by your feelings, you are not alone....also be thankful you have a basement to go to because I do not.


tamaroa wrote: I have always been the biggest 'chicken' here !!!! I panic in these storms. I am in Illinois and it's been horrible. Look what happened to St Louis airport last night....not very far from me.....don't be embarresed by your feelings, you are not alone....also be thankful you have a basement to go to because I do not.
 i am so sorry tam,im glad i started trhis post so that any1 who is going thru this terrible situation can get some support.If any1 needs to they can pm me or any 1 of the forum members and we can support each other thru this because we are a family here (small but mighty lol).In the meantime every1 stay safe and HAPPY EASTER NDF 
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