Ultimate Poker is the first legal online site to operate in the US. Ultimate Poker names their first legal tournament winner. And now Ultimate Poker is being investigated for using an unlicensed service provider. I suppose there will be glitches or setbacks while the US and individual states figure out introducing online gambling to it's residents. Let's hope Ultimate Poker pulls through this investigation so they don't start off on the wrong foot. Read about it <a href="http://www.reviewjournal.com/business/casinos-gaming/ultimate-poker-unlicensed-service-provider-relationship-probed" >here</a>.State gaming regulators are looking into the relationship between 2-week-old Internet poker website Ultimate Poker and an unlicensed service provider used to identify new players.In an email, Gaming Control Board Chairman A.G. Burnett said gaming agents are working with officials from Ultimate, which is majority owned by Station Casinos.Over the weekend, Ultimate Gaming, parent of Ultimate Poker, said in a statement through a spokesman that on Thursday , it discontinued using services from Iovation. The company according to poker news resources, was linked to a 2008 online cheating scandal that brought down Ultimate Bet, which is not related to Ultimate Poker.
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