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Vegas or Odds On Casihno - Promo match %


Not sure if this is the correct chat room to post a personal question, so please advise Mods if there is a specific room for these.Friday Jan 30, 2009 -Wanted to play in one of their tournaments.I know that at midnight,  VIP slots always has 100% match on Saturdays for alll their players.  Since it was still friday, made a a deposit of only $20 with the knowledge of getting the Saturday 100% match if I could just hold offf.I go7 a whopping 200% bonus one it!  Heck, I would made a larger  if I somehow would known they were giving Question: How can one tell if there is a deposit bonus available for them without just blindlly making a deposit?


No Deposit Forum Founder
They are really Vegas technology casinos now, but the only way would be to ask support. I do know that most have certain days of the week that bonus are available every week. To check look at the casinos web site for thier promotions. Example for English Harbour- Monday - Receive 25% bonus up to $250 on your first deposit of the day. Wednesday - Receive 50% bonus up to $250 on your first deposit of the day. Friday - Receive 100% bonus up to $250 on your first deposit of the day.
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That is confusing about the names. Many places on the internet still call them Odds on then others call them vegas tech. Even recent postings by self proclaimed experts call them odds on ! Perhaps they do this out of old habbit? Not wanting to let fo of the old name that many people are still familiar with?"
Is the similar thing at work with Microgaming and Vipor? What is happening in thiese two cases. Do I got it correct by saying the following two statements..."
(1) Older or less efficient Odds-On evolved to a more efficient programming that now"
has been named Vegas technology to communicate the changes. Just some wont "
let go of the old name and still call it odds On ."
(2) Older and less efficien MicroGaming is evolving to A more efficient Vipor programming."
However in this case, they are not yet ready to kick the Name of Microgaming so they"
use them both loosely."
This may seem clear to anyone that has been in the business through the evolutionary process, but when a newer player like myself gets dropped in, it is very confusing! Hope I finely got it figured out if those above statements are correct?

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