Wow Bel! that's a hella free bonus! I want a full report on how it played for ya! What was its max-cash out limit? How high was the Play-through? Did you make it? We hope you did well and were able to rake it! & If so,...Did you cashout & take it? Or did you just flat out bust and break it? Come on,....Give us all the details,...we love VR and Rival gaming and need inspiration from you high rollers that there really is big $$ to be won and big hits to be spun and that it is possible and that it can be done! "
(Either that, or advice us not to dream so big,...maybe big bonuses go just as fast as our littler ones, LOL --just with more excitment in the mere thought of how huge each spin could pay out?)"
And now I wonder...."
Does it hurt more to loose a $20 ND bonus, or to have not won on a $200 ND bonus???"