K kkessler New York Gambler Jan 31, 2008 #1 Here is the codes for February 1, 2008feb2008usdfeb2008eurfeb2008gbp
unsoughtpoet WELL KNOWN MEMBER Jan 31, 2008 #2 thanks Kk,...I would completely forget about that place and those codes " if it weren't for great forum friends like you!
thanks Kk,...I would completely forget about that place and those codes " if it weren't for great forum friends like you!
S smailliw MEMBER Feb 3, 2008 #4 Thanks for codes; Worked for me. Had a great time yesterday.Do these codes work anywhere else?Thanks again!
Thanks for codes; Worked for me. Had a great time yesterday.Do these codes work anywhere else?Thanks again!
L lolie MEMBER Feb 3, 2008 #5 thank you very much kkessler for the code ... kiss .. angelica (alias lolie)
K kkessler New York Gambler Feb 3, 2008 #6 Nope these codes only work at Victoria Palace. You are welcome. GlaD YOU HAD FUN