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No Deposit Forum Founder
It's not often I will make a call like this this and I will most likely lose my affiliation with Intertops casino. With my experience playing online, I can tell you its NOT RIGHT what's going on at Intertops casino. Affiliation be damned I am here to help you the players.Through many sessions and quite a few deposits I have picked up on something at Intertops Red. The games have way to low of a payout percentage, well below the norm. Though no documented proof, I have played there enough at other RTG casinos to know that the payout ratio is set way to low! This is NOT a case of a bad luck streak, this is based many deposits at Intertops and other RTG casinos. The progressive slots at Intertops play and hit just like any other RTG casino in my experience playing, the problem lies in the regular slots where the house controls the payout. The hit FAR less often at Intertops than other RTG casinos. Like I said, I don't have proof, but I play enough to know when things are not right. Of course you may still get lucky as it is gambling, but if you play long enough and often enough at RTG casinos, you will also pick up on what I did at Intertops Red.Support and pay outs are top notch, it is the pay out ratio in question.Therefore it is my opinion that you avoid depositing at Intertops Red until they readjust the payout percentage.-- Edited by belgamo on Saturday 26th of September 2009 10:31:42 AM


Thanks for posting, I appreciate the warning. I haven't deposited at this casino, but I can agree when you say when you play at a place long enough, you know kinda what to expect, and know when something just isn't right. I too have had that feeling about another casino, and have not deposited since. Again, thanks for the heads up!


No Deposit Forum Founder
Just a FYI, you may still seee links to the casino as its going to take me several days to take everything down.


hi i have the same problem there. i did deposit a couple hundred usd there and won nothing!!! i did won on my first deposit ca. 600 usd but i didn't withdraw it and lost it there. Then i never won again something there. I didn't play progressive games only regular slots. if you wish i can sent you my account history that you can take a look and see how often i did deposit there. it was always small amounts between 23 and 45 usd . i hope it can maybe help
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I don`t like Intertops at all. Did deposit there in the old green casino, but no luck.."
And I will absolute not play at the Red casino after your story."
I stick to iNetBet, the best RTG-casino!


I agree wholeheartedly. I even found that to be the case when Intertops was just green!"
couldn't hit a damn thing if it was right in front of me!


ok thats ylour experience. but to make up any warning like theyre rogued or sth is way too heavy. only because you loose just dont depsoit there anymore, bt there are many people winning big enough there. you cant say iam so experienced thats why i can justify that.you ever asked them for their percentages? iam sure they will let you know..after reading the email i got from you because of this post i thought theres any unpaying casino or rogue sth.. but not a a complaint about having bad streak on certain casino..no offense to you but seems you take this a little tooserious, what you hope for a guaranteed winning.. ;.)heerscoxwel


I agree with you and always felt the as I have also made amny deposits there too. Your not alone on this as I thought I was the only one feeling this same thing. It's wierd how I thought the same thing but it varied on certain amount of coins played per pull.


Well he is right in someways t post his opinion on this. Experienced players will pick up on low percentages as they are able to due to understanding patterns with wins and payouts. In that respect he is most certailnly correct in making such a statement with respect to it.As he is a responsible affiliate he posted this as a warning to players that something MAY be off. This is his responsibility as a forum owner. Consider that by him doing so will lose him revenue I'd suggest to you that he is looking out for members.If you re-read his post you'll also noticed he clearly stated this is from his obsdervations, that it could be a loosing streak but based on his years of playing experience and that fact that RTG CASINOS can and DO decide the payout on non progressive games, that his experience says otherwise and he is most likely correct.He further complimented the casino syupport - in no way based them but simply said..Hey guys...heads up!So read a post properly before you go and suggest he is whinning like a baby when he is not.Thannks for the post BG!


BEL has a right to his opinion....PERIOD! I myself have never deposited here,but I believe his opinion was well thought out first before posting, and is Extremely Trustworthy! Why would he put his affiliate at risk? I believe it was well thought out way before he posted..... I noticed the very same thing with certain casino's in all Brands....So I do avoid them. I am only a player and cannot deposit very large amounts so If I posted ...anyone would say I am a sore loser. Which I am not, I play where I can get THE MOST PLAYTIME for my deposit, and yes hoping to win like everyone else!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
coxwel wrote: ok thats ylour experience. but to make up any warning like theyre rogued or sth is way too heavy. only because you loose just dont depsoit there anymore, bt there are many people winning big enough there. you cant say iam so experienced thats why i can justify that.you ever asked them for their percentages? iam sure they will let you know..after reading the email i got from you because of this post i thought theres any unpaying casino or rogue sth.. but not a a complaint about having bad streak on certain casino.. no offense to you but seems you take this a little tooserious , what you hope for a guaranteed winning.. ;.)heerscoxwel
coxwel, We here at the No Deposit Forum respect your right to post your thoughts, feelings and opinions about anything that goes on here. Thank you, because if not for members like you, we would not have a forum at all!
With that said, I want you to know that I have worked with Belgamo for almost 3 years now. On the forum and off. He has been a great mentor to me and a valuable source of information concerning the online biz and as a regular online casino player, just like a lot of the members here are. I take his word as GOLD when it comes to any information he may have concerning casinos, whether it concerns paying players or having a horrible payout percentage. Belgamo is not a sore looser and if you take a look at the winning screenshot thread, you'll see that he probably has most of the winning screeshots there. The fact that he wins big ALL the time, has nothing to do with luck, IMO, but rather that he knows what he is doing. He has studied slot play at many, many casinos through all of his years of online gambling and can rattle off payout percentages for a lot of them off the top of his head. Hell, the other night in out chat party, he was able to answer a question about Vegas Regal's payout percentage when the Casino Manager could not.He has a reputation to uphold in the online casino industry and for him to make a bold statement about Intertops RED, like he did, he put a lot on the line, for YOU, the player, who without him may still be depositing at RED without any thought that they may be RIPPING YOU OFF!This is serious!! 
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   I agree with RING's post...I am so glad to be a member of a forum that has the guts to call it like he sees it...Bel there are so many people that would never post what they think for fear of all the bad feed back they would get..poor loser etc. comes to mind..when I deposit I like to have some play time out of it..not have it gone in 5 min's...I don't win very often and that is fine but I do enjoy some play time...Thanks again Bel for your post... everyone have a great day..
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Greedy Gambler
Thanks for the head up Bel....won't be depositing there anymore!!! I certainly appreciate you caring for your forum members!!!!


thanks for the warning i have deposited so much at this casino over time i did have a cash out once but there games never seem to hit anything big and my money sure dosen't give me alot of play time


Gave up their after a few deposits because of the same reasoning just did not feel the hits were their and would eat up 200 really fast and not hit enough to even have fun and this happened more then once so just quit playing their. thanks bel its not just in my head .... stallions     keep up the good work and your opinion is well respected..


I agree, The payout schedule at both Intertops Green & Red casinos were very low when ever I played there. Never was able to get above the deposit or make a cashout.  The thing i dont understand is that Royal Joker(Intertops Sister) Has always been loose for me.  Im up 100s of dollars on them and im only a small time player (25.00 Buy-in)  I dont win everytime I play there, But almost always can last 4 or 5 hours before im broke!   Intertops player care is some of the best ive seen in the bussiness.  one thing i belive is that alot of RTG casinos offer outragious bonuses and maximum playthrough requirments And many restrictions(limiting how much you can cashout).  the few times i have been able to make a cashout at a RTG casino, I get some runaround and a bunch more hoops to jump through.  Twice I had to go to Bryan at Casino Meister to help me.  The point im making is that if a RTG casino gives you a bonus on your deposit and you meet the playthrough and run it up to 10,000 and goto cashout they will say You purchased 100.00 in chips, We gave you 500% bonus chips with a max cashout of 20x your deposit so no matter to the casino how much you win they will only pay you the 20x  and as you all know, it's pretty hard most times just to make the playthrough.  Sorry about the long post, But sometimes I just need to vent!mrflansburg


Thanks for the warning, Belgamo! Although I find I have very little playtime at Inetbet as well. You may consider indeed asking them about the payout percentage. It is grand of you, being an affiliate, that you stick out your neck to protect your forum members!


Belgamo! Thanks for the warning. I do agree with you. "
All RTG / MG games payout percentage can be set individually and only software provider can make this setting from what I hear.But I do believe that casino operator can also do that. "
Currently I avoid all RTG and MG casino because I find their slots seem getting tighter."
From my view a reputation casino means fair gaming, good support and fast withdrawal without problems. "
I am grateful that you care and protect the forum members. I like this forum. Thank you!"


New York Gambler
 Thanks for the info on Intertops Red.  I have deposited there also with no luck!  I deposited because they are Intertops but I will definitely not now.  Kathy


Hi Bel,"
Thank you for the heads up, I myself saw that when they went to the Red Casino they sure do not pay out like they used to when they were green. I cannot complain about the green Casino for I took a lot of money from them. The payouts for me were very high, yet the couple of times I have deposited at the Red casino I might have had one hit to 30 spins and that hit wasn't good. I also only got into the bonus on one game so I am glad i am not the only one who has noticed that they are not paying out very high. I appreciate the heads up I know I don't plan on giving them anymore of my money. hildamae


Mben wrote:  
coxwel wrote: ok thats ylour experience. but to make up any warning like theyre rogued or sth is way too heavy. only because you loose just dont depsoit there anymore, bt there are many people winning big enough there. you cant say iam so experienced thats why i can justify that.you ever asked them for their percentages? iam sure they will let you know..after reading the email i got from you because of this post i thought theres any unpaying casino or rogue sth.. but not a a complaint about having bad streak on certain casino.. no offense to you but seems you take this a little tooserious , what you hope for a guaranteed winning.. ;.)heerscoxwel
coxwel, We here at the No Deposit Forum respect your right to post your thoughts, feelings and opinions about anything that goes on here. Thank you, because if not for members like you, we would not have a forum at all! jokin....cheerscoxwel 
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No Deposit Forum Founder
i did not rogue them, I merely pointed out that thier games pay out way less then the norm. To tell you the truth I picked up on this pretty quick, but thought it was just bad luck, but after a few more tries it is the casino. With each RTG casino, they have the ability to set the payout percentage themselves. You can deposit your money there, but if it was me i would really go to a different RTG casino.
If you get the free chip to play at intertops use it and then try another free chip at another RTG, play the same NON PROGRESSIVE slot, see if you notice a difference.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
coxwel wrote in black and Mben replied in red i appreciate your answer.this forum here is all about to share such experiences, and views on the things. belgamo for sure is not a newbie to gambling so iam pretty sure he has much experience in many different casinos. its just i also have soem rtgs i play at with best reputation  and accredited everywhere, which just suck me out everytime i deposited. Same here! I will move on to a different casino if they are not paying instead of dropping more and more money into it. Whether they are accredited, as you said. for me i just stop depsoiting at such places but to make up the conclusion theyre rogues or ripping off is a tough thing to state. i know the feeling when you think there has to sth wrong but cant proove it. but as you say he wins big, for sure, if you bet big you win big, but slots are slots and pay or not, the only experience that can help is maybe which slot to pick but if you win its random. as you said he knows whats hes doing, iam sure he can not influence the payout anywhere jokin.... It is a little surprising that no one else shares your same opinion(s). (and that was not meant in a negitive way)  
  Thanks coxwel!
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i guess maye it was also only royal joker which has een outsurced ill check that again.ut anyway i have not much experience with intertops ut always thought or still think a it ;-9, they have good reputation and are online this many years. i also saw very nice winings on their slots, unfortunately not from me ;-9.i never depsoited with them as i said ecause of their too high wagering of 30 which is out of the norm for me.@ belgamo if i just take the experience which i made with the 50 snail mail bonus there, i would have to totally agree with you. ut as you know i havent played not enough spins to make a general tendence of the payout. i also know how sreaky rtg can be from other casinos.so theres noody here having made some cashouts or regular play at intertops red to give some feedack?as your position as affiliate have they provided you with the percentages of certain slots? would e interesting to know and they shouldnt hide these information, hopefully ;-9.cheerscoxwel


I have found the same problem all over the internet casinos.   Microgaming (Viper) was the ONLY system with winning hands on a regular (odds-speaking) basis.  Now that Intertops Green is gone, US players have no place to play; I knew Intertops Red was a bust right off the bat.  I have never made a single withdrawal in 5 years from Vegas Technology Casinos or RTG.  I withdrew thousands from Microgaming.  Thanks for confirming my suspicion that there is some sort of control on payouts - these odds are not random.  I will have to sit out until the laws change back.
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