I came across these pictures while surfing around for a 'monster' pic for my avatar. Well, this totally caught my attention. It is 100% real. They titled this fella 'cyclops'.
<img width="482" src="http://www.kashvet.org/oasis/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/Monster-Front-view.jpg" alt="foal lateral view cyclop monster" height="589" style="width:274px;height:345px;" />This is a calf born with deformities. The disorder called holoprosencephaly, usually caused from too much inbreeding. It is caused when the embryos forebrain doesnt divide properly. the result is a single-lobed brain, facial deformities and often death. Poor little fella. <img width="417" src="http://www.kashvet.org/oasis/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/Monster-LateralView.jpg" alt="foal lateral view cyclop monster" height="319" />

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