Morning:They say misery loves company, so I thought I would share with my friends my awful time at the land casino last night. I was soooooo excited to go, as I always am. Looking forward to a relaxing evening playing a few slots. I get there, one of my favorite games is open. I see it as a sign. I squeeze in between two people who are laid out like a 8 day wash. I put in my first $20. I am not looking to win big tonight as much as be entertained. (course if I won big thats okay too) Gee, this game isnt liking me tonight . I say after I burn thru my first $20 on Minimum bet. 40 lines, 1 coin. I've been known to stay with a game when it has been bad as sometimes it makes up for it when and if you get the bonus. So I played on. MISTAKE. I put in another $10. Nothing. Not a single bonus in $30 bucks. I am starting to get a little anxious as there are bonuses going on all around me. I put in my last $20 and I just know that the bonus is gonna come and I'll be redeemed for staying at this game while it was bad. MISTAKE. Well, guess what? You got it..........Nothing.......No wins....No Bonus....No payout. I sat there and lost $50 bucks without a single bonus, and playtime was like 20 minutes. It was awfullll.Now I am a gambler. I know that sometimes this happens. Yet, I was so upset I went to Slot operations and spoke to a manager about what had just happened to me. Of course you know what happened next. He looked at me like I was just one of the hundreds of people he talks to each day that loses and is upset about it. I explained to him I was not angry I didnt win, but I was looking to be entertained, and certainly was not. He went into some long , one sided conversation about how Slot machines work and yadda yadda yadda. He had no idea I knew alot about the workings of a slot machine as I have educated myself on the subject. First he said the machines were completely random as they are run by a chip. This is true I know. Then he turns around and says something completely opposite. He says, well maybe someone just won on it before you got here. Well if that chip is random, then it doesnt matter. D'oh. Talking put both sides of his mouth.There was no free comp dollars, no free meal tickets, no free anything. hahahahaJust a Well, thats gambling. is what he left me with. I knew I wouldnt get anywhere by talking to him, I was just so irritated I had to make a point. He likely walked away laughing at me, and thats okay too. If I were him, I might do the same thing. So anyways....A seriously short and unentertaining time at the Casino last night. I didnt have time to have a beer or even light a smoke. I was in and out. Thanks for letting me share my bad time with you all. I'm over it now, but dont regret talking to the guy last night. I was respectful and calm. (security was hanging around while I talked to him just incase I went bizerk I guess. hahahahahah) Anyone else have a time when your casino experience was so short it was sickening? Pam
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