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What Each State Googles More Than Any Other


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TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) - A new map shows the top online Google searches for Arizona. (I copied this from my local news website)A website called Estately.com ran hundreds of search queries in Google Trends to find which words or phrases were the most popular in each state. Arizona's top search: Conjugal visit, followed by hippies, scorpion sting and the question, How are babies made? Find the Internet search history for each state through Estately <a href="http://blog.estately.com/2014/05/you-can-learn-a-lot-about-america-from-each-states-internet-search-history/" >here</a>.<a href="http://Vox.com" >Vox.com</a> published an article suggesting the map was misleading. However, the words are among the most searched, as shown in the map, but are not necessarily listed in any specific order.<a href="http://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=25603253" >source</a>
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Kind of sounds like a joke. lol"
My state of AZ - top search: Conjugal visit LMAO!"
My birth state of Delaware - top search: Delaware


TEXAS: Are dinosaurs real? / Are zombies real? / The Bill of Rights / Boogers / Calf Implants / Can dogs talk? / Chupacrabra / Curves International (company) / Do I have herpes? / Does beer make you fat? / Government Mind Control / How to cook meth? / How to sell your soul to the Devil? / Justin Bieber (singer) / Krunk / Meth Recipes / Porn / Purple Drank / Rodeo / Snake Bites / Tacos


Okay you two! My interest is now sparked. Here's the most searched in my state."
ARKANSAS: Atkins Diet / End of Days / Lap Band Surgery / Learn to Read / Walmart Jobs"
I can totally see all of these being main searchers. But Learn to Read? Now that's just cruel! "
I would have honestly bet money that Razorbacks would have been included in the search.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Sookie wrote: What? Don't you have Chupacrabra in Arizona? They're bad here this time of year!
Oh we definitely have Chupacrabra here in AZ. That's why I thought it was funny that it was in the top google searches. Damn goat suckers. hahaha


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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krystalkitty wrote: Rollerblading? OK! Would of never thought that would be the one! TY for posting, interesting:)
Interesting but yet almost hard to believe. lolYou're welcome!

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