We are expected to get up to 14 inches today and tonight!! Ugggg!!!! Blizzard conditions with windchills expected to get to -35!!!! Love snow but not that much at once LOL (West central MN)
it's going to be about 30 - 32 C over here for the next foreseeable future (thats about 87 - 92 F)"
Problem is when it gets that hot you get heaps of storms, tones of them at the moment, but we need the rain we've been in a drought for about 6 years now so can't complain about the rain
I think I will visit Bel then go see deej LOL....After I win the lotto!!! NY has been hit hard over the last few years. We really haven't had this much snow for quite a few years!
Right now in East Central Iowa, it's 54 degrees F (pretty mild for this time of year) and pretty dry.....but not for long!!!! Around 4pm, it will rain (possibly snow) and the temps will drop drastically to the single digits!! GAAAHHH!!!
S. California on the beach put out winter storm warning today. Never fails - gonna blow my outside lights and decorations all over. Turned heater on first time yesterday. Must be down to 60 brr<a href="http://www.avatarist.com/avatars/Various/Holidays/Christmas/page7/" title="Snowman in the Cold avatar">
Thanks deej.......Didn't get all the snow that was expect. 5 in. more to come tonight though. Thanks everyone for sharing their weather with me. Fun seeing what the weather is elsewhere.
So. California - OMG, its been pooring rain all night and all morning now! We haven't seen rain like this in well over a year! And, of course, nobody out here in so cal knows how to drive in it either. There's already been a gazillion accidents. I'm very close to 2 major freeways and I've been hearing sirens all morning long, very unfortunate.
Hello.....Cleveland Ohio........started almost 60 around 4 this a.m. now 1:26 its around low fifties and should be around 30 this evening and our expected low is 20!!!!! Yeah !!!!! ( yeah my you know what.....(HA HA HA)
Believe it or not, it is SNOWING here in Las Vegas! I mean, seeing white as far as the eye can see, with, of all things, palm trees poking out of the mist. Talk about a contradiction in visual terms, huh?
Seems I'm the only one here experiencing a tropical weather eh, I liked it but would like to experience those -degrees climate must be fun at the start.
Here in the Netherlands it was today 11 degrees .... its much warmer as it has to be .... but at xmas its getting colder they say ... around 2 degrees .... but no snow .... yes i know in some states in the us theres to much of that stuff ...... give a LITTLE to us here in Holland ..... it makes the xmas more romantic.....
Whiskey Hi it's Lyndalou, another New Yorker! LOTS OF SNOW and FREEZING MY --- OFF! I actually just got back in from venturing out and finished off my X-mas shopping.....Had to do it or the little grandchildren would have been disssapointed! BOY was it a MAD house....we all have been snowed in for 3 days and last week with no power for 1 week! All X-mas lights are on now though thanks to our great niagra mohawk guys and gals ---they did a great job! Happy HoHo
my home town, up north of Saskatchewan, Stanley Mission, is very cold for the past 3 weeks i think, so right now it's -28 but will feel like -41 tonight.
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