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Which one do you like???


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Alright everyone! This is the email you've all been waiting for! Here are the top 5 finalists for the Cocoa Casino Design a Lobby Contest !Copy and paste each respective URL into your web browser to view the entries. Please take look at all of them and keep in mind that none are finished products, simply mocked up ideas which, if chosen will be used as a template for the final lobby. Entry 1: Eva F. - http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/jetset_jason/CC_Lobby_Design1.jpg Entry 2: Sarah D. - http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/jetset_jason/CC_Lobby_Design2.jpg Entry 3: Michael S. - http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/jetset_jason/CC_Lobby_Design3.jpg Entry 4: Oscar F. - http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/jetset_jason/CC_Lobby_Design4.jpg Entry 5: Frank K. - http://www.nationwideresorts.com/ If your idea or design is not here it does not by any way mean that it was a bad concept. Unfortunately we could only choose 5 of the many great entries we received and these are the 5 that stood out above the crowd to our judges. Please choose your favorite idea and email it's corresponding number (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) to me at jason@thejetsetlife.com with the heading Lobby Design Vote .-- Edited by belgamo at 21:21, 2008-04-19
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Out of the 5, definately #5 is the best but I don't care for it really as a final. LOL


They were all OK, #5 had a few more bells, but the background needed some work......and too many bells can make one hard of hearing!!!  That said, they were all more creative than anything I could have done!!  Tink
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i liked number one the best.. there was one that was the same.. 5. had too much going on.. 2 was there. and 3... was plain... so for me.. one was just really nice and i could handle looking at it more than a second. 5... i had to shut that thing up right as i turned it on.


I'd have to go with #3."
smooth design"
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I would have to agree with Virgievirgie wrote: i liked number one the best.. there was one that was the same.. 5. had too much going on.. 2 was there. and 3... was plain... so for me.. one was just really nice and i could handle looking at it more than a second. 5... i had to shut that thing up right as i turned it on.


http://www.cocoacasino.com/get/a?id=808 And Cocoa has a Winner !!!! Are any of these winners from our forum ?? Email from Cocoa Casino...........................Well everyone, the players have spoken!It was a close race but the votes have been tallied and here are your winners for the Cocoa Casino: Design-a-Lobby, Win an iPod Contest!1st place winner and recipient of $250, a brand new ipod touch and the opportunity to see their idea come to life is Lobby Design #3 Michael S. Congratulations Michael! 2nd place winner and recipient of $150 was Lobby Design #5 Frank K.3rd place winner and recipient of $100 was Lobby Design #1 - Eva F.We have also decided to award the 4th and 5th place contestants with prizes of $25 ND chips each as their vote tallies were not too far behind.Thank you to everyone that played the Cocoa Casino: Design-a-Lobby, Win an iPod Contest! We appreciate all the submissions and votes! Some of your designs showcased your creativity and talent while others put much smiles on our faces, all the submissions were amazing in their own right!Thank you all once again, work on the new lobby will begin next month!Please keep in mind that the finished Lobby design will likely not look exactly like the winning mock up, but this submission will be used as a template to work from. Also, because the votes were all relatively close there are obviously elements of all the designs that players seemed to appreciate so if possible we will have our designers incorporate parts of each design into the finished product!
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