Originally I ordered 10 items in 2 separate orders. "
1 item was unavailable and I received an email about that. And then received 1 of my 9 items as I stated the other day ('Well I received one item from my first order in the mail today. It made me happy as it was what I got for myself (all except for one more item are for other people) and it was very nice! ) That leaves 8 items left. "
So I am waiting for 8 more items. Well, I received 2 emails today regarding 4 items from the orders are not available. "
I get a knock on my door just now. It was the postman delivering the rest of my stuff! Yay? Well, kind of. "
I only got half of what I wanted due to them being out of stock even though it said there was whatever quantities available when I was placing the order. "
AND everything I ordered for my daughter, I didn't get! That totally sucks!!!!!!!! My poor baby! I'll have to look for other stuff and start this process all over again. Ugh! "
I can say oh well, free is free but you know what? This stuff is not free! Technically, I bought Virtual Spree credits. I didn't buy them just to gamble with.