Well, as I woke up today, it was evident, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Fall is here in MIchigan. No matter how I want to believe it isnt true, it is. I live across the street from a elementary school, and the little kids have been back to school now for about a week. I have a big beautiful maple tree in the front yard, and the leaves are starting to change into a fire engine red color. It wont be long before I will be raking. The real reason I know Fall is here is it is getting down right nippy at night and early mornings. I smoke outisde, and I am starting to have to put on more and more clothing just to go outisde and have a puff or two. Oh, In the early mornings it is so good no one can see me out there in my robe, and slippers, shivering as I puff. If I had to chose a favorite season it would be Spring. It is a renewal of things, and Summer follows with beautiful sunny skies, and warm temps. I've lived in Michigan my whole life and likely will not be moving any time soon. lolWhat is your favorite season and why? Pam