Hi Gang:As some of you know, I had a tuff month in June with my trip to Florida falling thru and losing a couple of really good friends. Then the next week I get told my landlord has sold the house and I have to move. All this took a heavy toll on me, and I was feeling pretty down.Now living in a place I have lived in before, a sweet little doll house out in the country with a beautiful yard and woods surrounding it. Internet is hard to come by, but I am assured I will have it on the 14th of this month.Anywaysssssss..........I couldnt get online for the past two days so what to do with my time but head to the casino. I go in with $100. An hour later I am at $109 when I sit down at a progressive Golden Monkey game. I get the golden monkey which gives you five choices (if you are playing Max) to see if you can find the progressive feature. I say a quick but heartfelt prayer to the Lord to help me find the right one. Immediatley, my next choice was perfect, and I got the feature. You get 5 boxes with different amounts. As they light up they begin to close, one by one. The last one left open is what you win. I am down to my last two boxes, and it is the one for $1100 Jackpot, or the measly $25.00. I WON THE JACKPOT!!!!!!!! $1100 bucks . I remained calm and quickly cashed out, and headed home all smiles.
I paid some bills, sent some to friends, and headed to Walmart in the middle of the night to buy 1 of everything I needed. hahaThat was a couple days ago...and I headed back last night for free money night. I get a free $30 every week for being a Platinum player.I sit down at a game that is new, and that I have been wanting to play for some time but they are always full. Gang? I just had this feeling come over me that I cant explain. I HAD to play this machine. I downloaded $20 bucks, began to play and cashed out over $500 from free money.
The rest of last night I continued to play machines, and all in all, walked out of that place with another thousand bucks. Everything I touched I won at. My luck had changed.I dont know if this new found luck is temporary, or a new way of life for me. My luck is usually so bad in all areas of life. Now suddenly, June is gone. July is here, and I get financed for a new car, find my favorite place to rent, win at the casino, and have a new nephew coming in Sept. What goes around comes around they say. Im a good person, and I can say that proud. I had some bad things happen to me last month, and now in July, I cant seem to find anything to complain about. hahaI just wanted to share my good fortune with my friends here at NDF.Thanks for reading, and may good luck shine on you too.
Pam -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 11th of July 2011 09:45:20 AM