The human factor was not figured in the de-regulation decision. Prosperity does not trickle down if it stays in the top people's pockets. Regulation is a necessary evil. Unions are a necessary evil. The two perform the watchdog function as long as someone is watching them.The way out is so simple it's pathetic. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Create them here in this country in fixing our bridges and roads, building cars that use little fuel, alternative energy production jobs, recycycling plants everywhere,etc. These kind of jobs fulfill the needs of those less educated, less skilled. They're the ones that represent the majority of the unemployed. We need them, what would we do without them. I don't want to deal with garbage or dig ditches. These hard working Americans are willing and able God love them!This will enable them to buy goods and services, houses, go to recreational areas, buy cars, and so on.-- Edited by lauralaten at 14:11, 2008-11-11