It turns out that YouTube was just a big contest. According to the YouTube blog, the site, which was launched in 2005, was just a way to find the best video in the world. And today, eight years later, it is closing the competition. The site will stop taking submissions on Tuesday, April 2 at midnight and close down. All videos will be deleted.No more Harlem Shakes. No more Gangnam Style. No more Charlie Bit My Finger.YouTube will start to announce the best video nominees at 9 a.m. PT on April 1 via a livestreamed broadcast. While 30,000 technicians go through the YouTube submissions, a panel of judges, which includes famous YouTubers like Antoine Dodson and iJustine, will vote on the best video. The best video will be selected by 2023 when the site will relaunch.[video=] This is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are we going to do without YouTube?!?!?!?[/video]