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Cleos Vip Room and My New Hemoroid


Thank-you so much...I really appreciate you getting in touch with Cleo's rep. I will let you know when I get that tracking number...thanks again!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Laupat wrote: Thank-you so much...I really appreciate you getting in touch with Cleo's rep. I will let you know when I get that tracking number...thanks again!


:shoes:Ok so no information on my cashout from Cleos yet.  But this is interesting last year I apparently had another e-mail address I had used one time at Cleos.  I found this out doing a request for cashout...it was straightened out and this e-mail was banned. Today I got an e-mail at that address stating it was Cleos Bonus Time and for me to click on this link and I could get a code for the bonus. So I contacted support and spoke with Bruno about it...I asked why this banned address was even being used and was the bonus real?  He stated the link was invalid and and apologized for the inconvenience. I asked again why this e-mail address was being used and stated server error. It just amazes me why this e-mail address was still in their records and why are they still using it?  Again Cleos is not only slow but it seems to me they are totally disorganized.
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Hi all I've been meaning to update every1, but have been a little busy this week, anyway I rec'd my check on Tuesday May 27th as they stated, it was supposed to be delivered at 8:00pm, but I went on Fed ex's website and chose to pick it up from their main office so I was able to pick it up when they opened at 9:00am.  Then came cashing it, I haven't had a checking account in quite a few years and have always used a check cashing company to cash my checks, anyway I started with one I have gone to for years and they would not cash it saying they couldn't verify the company was legit, so I should try Chase bank where it was drawn from, off to chase bank I go, since I didn't have an account there they asked for 2 forms of ID which I gave them, they verified the account being legit, and called the number they had on file to verify they had indeed issued me a check for $1500.00, well they said they were waiting for them to call back with confirmation that I was issued the check.  This was taking awhile so they said they would call me when it was confirmed.....I called them 2 times, they still hadn't heard back from them, and since they were East Coast, and I'm on the West Coast, it wasn't going to be till the following day.  I was frustrated as hell, went to another check cashing (3 of them) no one would cash it!!! I was pissed! I called, contacted live chat etc.., finally gave up for the day. The following day I had an email & a voice mail from them, I returned the call spoke to a very nice gentleman who told me the check was valid (I already knew this) and to try again, and if I had any problems to have them call him and he would confirm it was issued to me.  I went to another Chase Bank closer to where I lived, told them I had a problem the day before at another location, & at check cashing stores, informed them they could call to confirm, they asked for 2 forms of ID said they would call the number they had on file and be right back, they kept their word & returned within 3 minutes, saying since I didn't have an acct with them, there would be a $6.00 fee to cash it, & would I like it in all large bills! I was so relieved & satisfied with the bank and Cleo's for being so helpful!!! The check cashing  stores I am not so happy with tho they pissed me off!! anyway thanks again for all your help Mben, and anyone else waiting for their check, relax it may take awhile to get but you will get it, and if you use check cashing stores, make sure you tell them the check is a payroll check for work you did for the company, (that's what Cleo's told me to say), and you may be able to cash it, but I recommend going straight to Chase Bank, and cashing it there. *Sorry I didn't mean to turn this into a novel.  LOL 


bbzgurl wrote: anyone else waiting for their check, relax it may take awhile to get but you will get it, and if you use check cashing stores, make sure you tell them the check is a payroll check for work you did for the company, (that's what Cleo's told me to say), and you may be able to cash it, but I recommend going straight to Chase Bank, and cashing it there.
 That's great bbzgurl! I'm super happy you got check and were able to cash it. Thanks for the tip about saying it's a payroll check, that's kind of genius and I would not have thought of it, nor have I heard that one before. Enjoy your big win!


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Staff member
You're welcome and thank you for such details, bbzgurl. Players who have issues cashing out (docs and such), receiving their check and then actually cashing their check have so much info in this thread ... which is awesome! I have cashed a gambling affiliate check that said for deposit only at my check cashing place that I have used for years cashing my regular payroll checks and they did it with no questions asked. I am hoping that when I hit it big at Cleos and finally have a cashout, that my check place will cash it no problem too. If not, I will go the Chase route and tell them it's a payroll check, like you said. So thanks for that!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Laupat wrote: :shoes:Ok so no information on my cashout from Cleos yet. 
Have you received your tracking number yet, Laupat?I know the wait is terrible but as bbzgurl stated ... anyone else waiting for their check, relax it may take awhile to get but you will get it


:thumb:Yes just got it today.  I really appreciate you and this forum and all the help.  I know it takes Cleos awhile but they do pay.  I am now playing at Begado do you know how their cashlouts work for people in the US.  On their withdrawals it stated that your bank account has to be acceptable to payouts from foreign countries. I don't know if mine does or not...has anyone on here had a cashout from them? Anyway I have about $700 to withdraw...maybe I will let it ride abit.


Hi bbzgurl...Sorry to here you had such a hard time cashing your check. I hope my bank takes Cleos check they did the last time I had $1000 check back in November. It went really well. You're right about the payroll thing...I live in Indiana and we have our own gambling laws. Good advice...enoy your winnings!:roll:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Laupat wrote: :thumb:Yes just got it today.  I really appreciate you and this forum and all the help.  I know it takes Cleos awhile but they do pay.  I am now playing at Begado do you know how their cashlouts work for people in the US.  On their withdrawals it stated that your bank account has to be acceptable to payouts from foreign countries. I don't know if mine does or not...has anyone on here had a cashout from them? Anyway I have about $700 to withdraw...maybe I will let it ride abit.
YAY! :maddance: So glad you got it finally! As far as Begado is concerned, why not start a new thread asking about their cashouts? Hopefully someone here will have some insight for you.


:roll:Yeah...got my check today from Fed Ex...right on time.  It's in the bank and I am so glad.  Cleos is slow but they do come through.  Really...it didn't seen all that long of a wait.


Laupat wrote: :roll:Yeah...got my check today from Fed Ex...right on time.  It's in the bank and I am so glad.  Cleos is slow but they do come through.  Really...it didn't seen all that long of a wait.
 :banana:  Enjoy your win Laupat!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Laupat wrote: :roll:Yeah...got my check today from Fed Ex...right on time.  It's in the bank and I am so glad.  Cleos is slow but they do come through.  Really...it didn't seen all that long of a wait.
:bigclap: That's great! Thanks for the update.

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