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Mben and Michael's 'Back East' Vacation!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I took a lovely vacation last week and visited my brother, sis-in-law and nephews in Maryland. I was so happy that I was able to take my grandson along! My brother was born in MD. We lived in PA for a couple of years when we were young as well. My father is Pennsylvania Dutch, so I returned to my roots so to speak.

We spent 10 wonderful (freezing cold) days back east and visited Washington, DC, Arlington, VA, Gettysburg, PA, Amish Country and Annapolis, MD. We went to the National Archives while in DC and saw the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights first hand. No pictures allowed, and for a very good reason. I do believe that was the highlight of my trip.

This was Michael's first plane ride so that added to the excitement!

Here are just a few of the million pictures I took.

Oh and "thanks" to my sister-in-law and nephews who provided all the heavy jackets, scarves, beanies, and gloves. Being from AZ, we have none of that. lol

Me and Michael 2018.png

Me and my handsome!

Michael's First Plane Ride.jpg

He's loving his first flight!


Washington, DC. I didn't know Michael had his face covered, but it reiterates the fact that it was freeeezing! lol


The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the WW2 Memorial and the Korean War Memorial. Freedom is not free!

National Air and Space Museum.jpg

National Air and Space Museum is just one of the many museums in DC.

Arlington National Cemetery.jpg

Arlington National Cemetery where we paid our respect to all our heroes, including JFK.


Gettysburg, PA. Our vacation was fun and also educational!


Honest Abe and Michael.

Amish Country.jpg

Amish Country. Michael called the Amish "fakes" because of the fact that they rung up our sales with a cash register. "What happened to "no electricity", nana?" lol


Annapolis, MD. It's very ritzy!
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That was totally fun to look thru and enjoy Mben. Wow, being so close to all that must of been just so amazing. I had no idea you did so much while you were there.
When did you sleep? lol

The "fakes" thing Michael commented on was hysterical. Good point! Gotta get those credit card sales. hehe.

Thanks so much for posting. Really enjoyed the pics.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I'm sorry, but you don't look old enough. To have a grandson of that age.... ;)

Seriously though, you don't.
That's very kind of you to say. :)

Yeah, he's ten, the oldest of my three (soon to be four) grandkids. And I just let the cat out of the bag about my fourth. lol
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