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My better half is officially a Grandpa!


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My other half I should say, Ben, is officially a Grandpa as of last night.  I say officially because he has been a grandpa to my 3 year old grandson since he was born but his own daughter gave birth to his very first grandchild last night. Santiago was born two months early and weighs only 2 lbs 10 oz. Ben's daughter, Jamie who is 18, was not feeling well yesterday and was rushed to the hospital and the decision was made to either take the baby or risk losing both of them. She was that bad off. The baby came out breathing on his own, which is very good but he is so tiny. Jamie is doing ok as of this morning. I am asking that you keep baby Santiago and Jamie in your prayers. And maybe Ben too. I don't have to imagine how scared he is for the baby, I can see it in his eyes. Thank you all.


Awwww, A beautiful baby born.  I will continue to pray for both Mom and baby, for their health, and certainly for Ben, who I suspect is too scared to celebrate  right now.  He will celebrate when things settle down, Im sure. I know you are excited too Mben, who wouldnt be?  Another little child to call you Grandma.  Nothing sweeter than that. It truely is what life is all about.                                                                                           Pam
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We found out today that the baby's kidneys and liver are not fully developed."
And Ben's brother who is on dialysis was rushed to the hospital, put on life support and is being taken off of life support right now. He's not going to make it. "
Our world (more so for him ) is going to be topsy turvy for a bit here. "
Such is life, I guess."
I am sorry for reaching out to you all with my problems but sometimes I can't do it all by myself. I know God will hear me and help comfort Ben during this time but he will hear more from the masses if I ask for your prayers too. "
The baby needs good thoughts to pull through, get strong and grow up to be a healthy little boy.


Mben:There are times in life, when we wonder how we are ever going to get thru the difficult times that we are facing. Always remember, God knows of your situation, and is always just a prayer away. I will continue to keep you and Ben, little baby Santiago, and Bens brother in my prayers. You are not alone in your struggles.                                                                                                PamPrayer for Newborn Baby Lord Let Me Walk With YouLord let me walk with You Although my steps are small Stay beside, hold my hand And never let me fall. Amen.
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PMM2008 that was very sweet, Mben my thoughts and prayers are still  with you and Ben and little Santiago you are only given what you can handle I know this from experience. Stay strong and feel free to post we are your family also.


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Pam, that poem puts a tear in my eye every time I read it. "
Thank you for lending your shoulder to lean on, sasahsmom.


Oh no I am so sorry to hear this. No need to be sorry we are here for you. If you need someone to talk to give me a call. My prayers and thoughts with you and your family. Take some deep breaths, hugs to you. ;)


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Thank you givennsz. "
Ben's brother passed away yesterday evening. In between visits to the hospital to visit baby Santiago, he now has to help plan for a funeral and attend. "
God give him the strength, please.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
That really sucks - my condolences go to all of you


I'm so sorry Mben, for both of you. Know I am thinking of you and your very tuff situation.I will continue to pray for your family.                                                                                        Pam


I am not on that often but had to reach out to you, when I read of your heart ache. You have always been a pillar of strength to this forum, and now you need others to hold you up. Well virtually dear lady, my arms are there to hold you up, as well as support Ben in this tremendous time of pain. You are one of the classiest lady's I have known online and you always have a kind word for others. Know that you are not alone now and I have said a prayer for you both. One day the sun will come out and this pain will fade, but never be forgotten. Please know that you are not alone, you are well loved here and I am sure in your family. I prayer the sun comes soon for you and your sweet Ben."
God Bless You sweetie in my prayers always


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lucky8s and pheapgirl, thank you very much. All the kind words are being passed on to Ben and his daughter.I am grateful that I have my online family that I can reach out to in my time of need. Thank you all.


How awful for you and your family to have to go through these things.  I will add you all to my prayers and pray that the little one will be safe and home with family really soon! 


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A quick update:"
Santiago has put on a couple more ounces and is very close to 3 lbs now. He is completely off the oxygen and feeding tube and is taking his momma's milk that she has to pump and take to the hospital everyday. (Of course, she wants to be at the hospital every day)."
Ben's brother was laid to rest last Tuesday. It was very sad being that he is the first sibling out of 9 who has passed on, seeing his all brothers and sisters say goodbye to him along with his wife, children and grandchildren. It was heartbreaking.


Dearest Mben,"
Here is wishing you a New year filled with no more heart break, you and your family have had your share for a decade. Happy New Year to you and your family."


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Thank you lucky8s.
Happy New Year to you and yours also!
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So sorry to read all the things that have been going on in your life, Mben. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Ben and your family. Sometimes when our loved ones are taken from us, it is the hardest thing to understand, maybe you can take comfort in knowing that Ben's brother is now on the other side, knowing about a new baby that needs so much. He can touch him and be with him in ways that others can't. There is a lot of energy and passion in the family that surrounds Santiago to give him the fight that he needs. Just remember, the more you touch and talk to him, the more he will feel that and it will show in him with his progress everyday. I had a 4lb. 2month old preemie and was told he would never come home. He is now 17, and one hell of a man already. Give it to God, but give all your strengths to Santiago. Everything will be great! Can't wait to see pics!"
Hang in there!

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