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Either that or he's going to post every day on the last 10 days of the contest. I think I have his way of thinking down. ;)

I am just collecting my notes and running my analytic calculations through the device that I received in my Cracker Jack box a few days ago. I think I'll start tomorrow, if I participate, and I don't really have a method to my madness for starting tomorrow. Just seems like the right time...:thumb:
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My dad was a superhero because he's the one who turned me on to computers!

My father was in 'communications' his whole working life. I suppose that's why he first tried to teach my brother and me HAM radio. After that kind of failed, he set our attention on computers. My very first computer I ever had was one that my dad built for me. Win 3.1 was a cute little OS. :lol:

Who knows ... without my dad's influence, I might not have turned into the compert nerd that I am and would not have met any of you fine folks! :heart:

My brother is and has been a big wig at companies that develop software for hospitals. :thumb:
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My Dad is a superhero because i am his fan when it come to playing basketball he was a varsity player during his high school and college days.

Thank You!
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My dad is a superhero because he took care of us working as a truck driver driving traveling all over the United States being away from his family so that he could take care of us, makeing sure we had food, clothes, and just the little things people take for granted. He is not with us anymore but I still love to think of all the things he did for us, his family.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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My dad is a superhero because he took care of us working as a truck driver driving traveling all over the United States being away from his family so that he could take care of us, makeing sure we had food, clothes, and just the little things people take for granted. He is not with us anymore but I still love to think of all the things he did for us, his family. 2345
It had to be tough on him being away from you all because of the traveling. The sacrifice he made because he loved his family. :heart:
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What a super supportive dad! :cheer:

So did you join???
I started try outs with them, but my brother who was also trying out was being razzed by the guys so he ratted me out to my mom. She showed up and d/t multiple surgeries I had as a young kid, she explained to me that it just wasnt safe. Otherwise I know I would have made the team and had BOTH parents and my kid brother supporting me all the way :) The only reason I wanted to join was it was the year they passed the law that a girl could not be held back from playing on a boys team. The football coach just happened to be my math teacher and he ranted that no girl would EVER be on his team. Ijust wanted to make him eat those words lol.
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I started try outs with them, but my brother who was also trying out was being razzed by the guys so he ratted me out to my mom. She showed up and d/t multiple surgeries I had as a young kid, she explained to me that it just wasnt safe. Otherwise I know I would have made the team and had BOTH parents and my kid brother supporting me all the way :) The only reason I wanted to join was it was the year they passed the law that a girl could not be held back from playing on a boys team. The football coach just happened to be my math teacher and he ranted that no girl would EVER be on his team. I just wanted to make him eat those words lol.
I just noticed I didn`t put a number down on the original post. #0144 for dad`s bday :)
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My dad is a superhero because he moved us from Seattle, WA to Oklahoma bought a home had it moved to the country on about 10 acres where he created a huge garden full of peas, corn, okra, watermelon. You name it he grew it. We had some good eaten!
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My Dad is a superhero because he taught me how to cook Italian dishes, which he learned from his Sicilian mother, so I learned correctly.
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My Dad is a superhero because he let my mother race cars, while he worked as her mechanic back in the 70's (I believe....could have been late 60's). At that time, in that era, traditional gender "roles" were basically adhered to. In other words, not too many woman were racing cars, and if they were, their husbands sure as hell wouldn't have been their mechanic....in that time. But, my pops didn't allow his pride to get in the way, and bucked that traditional gender role. I think it's 1 of the reasons that I treat all my ex-wives and baby-momma's w/respect...b/c my pop was also a superhero to my mother and her early 20's hobby/dream.

Tonight's winning # is: 3000
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
I think it's 1 of the reasons that I treat all my ex-wives and baby-momma's w/respect...

Am I the only one who read this and said to myself... :surprise:

How many ex-wives and baby mommas do you have?

For the record, I am probably pretty close to the age of your parents (if not older). I have enough trouble dealing with ONE ball-and-chain - much less multiples of EACH! You have my total respect - and sympathies! :thumb:


Well, PSP....just a few. Sounds more "dramatic" than it is, I guess. At least to me it does. I am engaged now, and this 1 will last &/or be the last 1. :crossed:
I've had 2 previous marriages, which spawned 3 babies, 1 previous failed engagement, which spawned a additional baby, and 1 baby from a "1 week stand" when I was 16. I do want another, but I'm alright w/whatever happens. I have really good, respectful relationships w/most of the women (1 of them lives on the Coast, and we don't physically see each other), and amazing relationships w/the babies. It's helps too that that I actually have/had custody of my oldest 2 girls for most of their lives. Anyway, see...not so bad. It's just a logistical nightmare sometimes, but it's harmonious. I saw that respect (for women) at a very early age from my Dad, so even though I like to "jump ship" quite a bit, I always try to make sure to stay honorable. ;)
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My dad is a superhero because uof all the things he did he still made time for himself. He was a guitar player too. In his spare time he played gigs where he could. And I think he met BB King, he was a blues player.
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Well, PSP....just a few. Sounds more "dramatic" than it is, I guess. At least to me it does. I am engaged now, and this 1 will last &/or be the last 1. :crossed:
I've had 2 previous marriages, which spawned 3 babies, 1 previous failed engagement, which spawned a additional baby, and 1 baby from a "1 week stand" when I was 16. I do want another, but I'm alright w/whatever happens. I have really good, respectful relationships w/most of the women (1 of them lives on the Coast, and we don't physically see each other), and amazing relationships w/the babies. It's helps too that that I actually have/had custody of my oldest 2 girls for most of their lives. Anyway, see...not so bad. It's just a logistical nightmare sometimes, but it's harmonious. I saw that respect (for women) at a very early age from my Dad, so even though I like to "jump ship" quite a bit, I always try to make sure to stay honorable. ;)

I appreciate your explanation (which I really had no right to expect or get). Kudos to you for your candor - and your honor and respect for each of your prodigies :thumb:


My Dad is my superhero because he never forgets to drive me to school and comes back when its time to go home.


Thank You!
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
My father is/was a superhero because he is waiting very patiently on my sister's closet shelf to be scattered in the ocean at his favorite beach!

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My Dad is a superhero (to me) because he got me my 1st major gambling gig (as a clerk) when I was 19. Peddling parlay cards was over for me, and I took off and excelled in gambling b/c of his "introduction".

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My father was a superhero because he was one half of the couple who was responsible for giving me life 54 years ago today! :hb3:

hb me smll.jpg
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