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What are your Christmas Plans for 2016?


Hi gang:

What is everyone going to be up to this week and Christmas Eve/Day?

Will you be staying home or will you be traveling?

I think family and friends are the greatest gift I receive every year. The gift that keeps on giving.

I myself will be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my sweetheart and our friends. Having some egg nog, playing some cards and eating all sorts of food and goodies. Listening to my favorite Christmas songs, and heck, I'll even sing along if I have enough egg nog. LOL.

Day after Christmas, I'll be driving to Flint to visit with my family. So important to put differences aside this time of year and get together.

Not a soul in my life has any great deal of money, and I find myself with hardly any, so gifts will be scarce. Regardless, doesn't matter. I find myself happy this time of year as long as I keep the real meaning in the front of my mind. That little baby born in a manger in Bethlehem. The greatest gift ever given to any of us.

Happy Holidays everyone here at NDF. Wishing you the greatest Holiday season ever.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Christmas is the time to spend with family and friends. Maybe giving a gift or two, etc, etc. Most people can get through the holiday even if they don't have money because there are more important things to "worry" about. Meaning there is more to Christmas than that. I've always managed to feel good about my Christmas', that I gave enough or that I shared memorable time with family and friends. And if I didn't have the best Christmas, I still was able to put a smile on my face and celebrate the holiday.

This year is entirely different than any Christmas I have celebrated though. My heart is heavy because of situations that some people very close to me are going through. Those people include some of my family members and close friends.

Maybe I do have the Christmas spirit because it is the time to think of others and not just myself. That's all I do now ... is think of everyone else and the heartaches they are going through. This will be a very sad Christmas for me. Sad enough that I might have to share that box of wine with Sookie just to be able to forget for a moment.


this is going to be my first xmas with out my grandma so i goin toy miss taking my kids to see her n my dad but there are sick and so we are m my husband and three kids are goint o his family house xmas eve and visiting with them i really enjoy it last year are first year doing that causre e his family is so good to my kids better than my family is except for my dad n grandma of course anywasy we jucstr meet two years ago n get married so are family is still new and lEARN WHAT WORKS FOR US BUT AND MY LITTLE 7 YEAR STILL BELEIVE N SANTA SO I CANT WAITTIL HIS FACE THAT MORNING AND THEN ALL THE HARD WORK THAT WENT INTO XMAS WILL HAV BEEN WORTH IT OMG sorry bout that keyboard is broke i was not yelling lol anyways i love to tell u guys more but i got at def fix this keyboard first lol i lucky to b part of this site with great people :cane:

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