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The sounds of clashing men once again fills the air as NFL training camps have begun to open. With that being said its time once again for the no deposit forum fantasy football league.This year we are LIMITING the league to TWELVE teams of which three are already spoken for.This means NINE members will be eligible to compete.For those of you have partaken in the past, you know the rules and how it works. For those of you interested but do not know how it works its pretty simple.We create a league at NFL.com ( you can read more about fantasy football there) and have a LIVE draft in the first week of September.  Each week you will battle head to head with another team in the league to earn a victory. At the end of 15 weeks the playoffs begin.This year I am staking $50 to the winner of the playoffs and you get bragging rights as the 2013 Nodepositforum.com fantasy football champ. This is a FREE to enter league.In addition Each team has the option of paying $25 into a separate fund, must be paid in via paypal BEFORE second week starts, no exceptions. The champion or highest placing finisher in the playoffs who has paid into this separate fund will walk away with this separate side pot. ENTERING DETAILSTo enter simply post below you would like to enter/We will then be randomly selecting 9 members from all of those who post to enter.BE SURE you email registered on the forum is correct and active, so that we can let you know your invited in.We will select the 9 on August 13th, 2013    You will then be given a link to login to the league at NFL.com Once again ANYONE may enter asd there is NO COST TO PARTICIPATE, however we ask that if you enter you stick it out for the entire season even if you team sucks. We have had quitters in the past and it sucks some of the fun out of friendly league.  


I play in a few of these leagues so why not make it 1 more. I'm in!"
Hey Mikeye7a? I see your a Miami fan."
See ya Sept. 8th for the opening game when I will be sitting inside Cleveland stadium for the opener with my Cleveland browns and your Miami Dolphins.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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mikeyhorror wrote: I  am in but registration link isn't working.  My email is dmurray4571@verizn.net.  Username is mikeyhorror.
mikeyhorror, you just need to make sure that the email address you use for the forum is the one that you want the invite to be sent to, is what Belgamo means by this ... BE SURE you email registered on the forum is correct and active, so that we can let you know your invited in. . You don't have to re-register on the forum if that's what you tried to do (which I don't think you can do anyway). Go to your profile and then edit profile. You should be able to make sure of your email address there and change it if need be.   


Well Known Member
I would love to play again!!! Please please randomly select me!!! My email is dji_420@yahoo.com "
It Should be a good year no matter what, good luck to all who participate!!!


sorry forgot to post my email <a href="mailto:yvonneislas@comcast.net">yvonneislas@comcast.net</a> thank you


Hey TonyT, last couple years I'd be worried, but I'm very excited for The Phins this season. "
Hope you enjoy the game, just not too much lmao! Oh, I'm a Canes fan too, imagine that.


love to play in a league where everybody plays every week.pick me <a href="mailto:haym724@aol.com">haym724@aol.com</a>


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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dan7714 wrote: I received this in email so you can reach me there I'm in for the extra $25 as well
Hi dan7714, how cool is that side pot? 
Once we get the whole league in place, I'll ask each team owner if they want to contribute to the pot and for everyone that says yes, that pot will grow! :clap:So it may just end up being a $275 pot! Plus Belgamo's $50 ... wow ... $325! What a nice prize at the end! Thanks to you and everyone else in this thread for wanting to play with us!-- Edited by Mben on Friday 26th of July 2013 12:53:47 PM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Thanks for the continued interest, everyone! "
Gosh, those personalized Fantasy Football Champion rings look awesome!! Who designed them for ya?!??!? LOL JK"
I can't wait to create this season's champ ring!!!!


No Deposit Forum Founder
THIS WILL BE A NEW LEAGUE, existing players from last year, the link yopu must be getting or using is to the old league which will not be active at season start.


I would absolutely love to been in the league again this year seeing as how i have been in every year since it started i believe. If i make it in i will win this year !


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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dji420 wrote: Those personalized champion rings are AWESOME! Thank you MBEN!
You're welcome, dji!!! 
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
peteyweestro wrote: I would absolutely love to been in the league again this year seeing as how i have been in every year since it started i believe. If i make it in i will win this year !
Well, if that's the case, then I don't think I want you to play, petey!!!! :pants: HAHAHAHAHAHAJust kidding, buddy!  That word random sucks and is making our usual suspects (lol) nervous this time around but all of us have to look at it as Belgamo is spreading the No Deposit Forum fantasy football love around to everyone and not first come, first served this time. With that said ..... :goodluck: to you all that you make it in this year! 
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No Deposit Forum Founder
ENTERING DETAILSTo enter simply post below you would like to enter/We will then be randomly selecting 9 members from all of those who post to enter.BE SURE you email registered on the forum is correct and active, so that we can let you know your invited in.We will select the 9 on August 13th, 2013 You will then be given a link to login to the league at NFL.com
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i wouldnt mind trying to participate in this fantasy league cant believe i spelled fantasy right and to think i would like to play my email <a href="mailto:flaflash99@live.com">flaflash99@live.com</a> thanks for giving everyone a chance to get a random spot good luck to everyone by the way my favorite team plays in the NFL which stands for NOT FOR LONG and where they will end up if playing like last year

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