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mikeyhorror wrote: I didn't get an email yet.  <a href="mailto:dmurray4571@verizon.net">dmurray4571@verizon.net</a>.
Nobody has been picked yet, mikeyhorror. Once the 9 members are drawn, those members will be sent the email with the invite. Per the opening post .... We will select the 9 on August 13th, 2013  You will then be given a link to login to the league at NFL.com 12 more days of suspense! lol
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I played before, but last year I didnt get in. I would love nothing more than to play in your Fantasy League again, Belgamo. Count me in !!!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Ok gang, here's the latest.I was asked if we could create 2 leagues this season in hopes that everyone who wants to play can play. The answer is YES, we can have 2 leagues BUT the conditions for the second league will be as follows. 1. Unlike our free league, this will be a buy-in league. No if's, and's or but's. If you want in, it will cost you $25 which will be paid to Belgamo via PayPal only. 2. 12 teams - 2 spots are taken by Belgamo and one other person. I may possibly join this 2nd league if there is one last spot left to fill and no one else wants in. So as of right now, we need to fill 10 spots.3. If you want to play in both leagues, you can. You can enter this league right now and then wait for Aug 13th to see if you are picked for the free league and play in both. It will still be up to you if you get picked for the free league whether or not you want to add to the side pot which you can also.4. The $300 prize pot breakdown will be as follows: $200 to the season Champion $75 to the 2nd place winner $25 to the team with the season's highest points scoredLet's see how much interest there is for this second league and once we see that, we will open it up for payments to be sent which will secure your spot in this paid league. So who wants in? :shwing:


Im in as I am every year wether getting ass handed to me or handing out azz whippins sign me up good sir if you would please :) 


Id like in both leagues lemme work out payment details but I want in both leagues for sure and I hope I get spott as I been playing every year since this started... :)


peteyweestro wrote: I would absolutely love to been in the league again this year seeing as how i have been in every year since it started i believe. If i make it in i will win this year !
 Oh god here he goes with this again already roflmao blaqh blah blah Petey petey petey are u ever gonna learn to just draft a buncbh of players for me and save yourself some face...;. Roflmao] 


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
We probably have enough interest in a second league, from what I see. We will work out the details on how and when members can secure their spot in the next few days. As far as the free league, are there any more members who want to play? If so, before the random draw on Aug 13, post in this thread that you do want to!
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
We probably have enough interest in a second league, from what I see. We will work out the details on how and when members can secure their spot in the next few days. As far as the free league, are there any more members who want to play? If so, before the random draw on Aug 13, post in this thread that you do want to!
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I want to try how does ff work?   
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
zbln wrote: I want to try how does ff work?   
I made a short and sweet Fantasy Football guide for the ladies one year. Here ya go! <a href="https://www.nodepositforum.com/forum.spark?aBID=89469&p=3&topicID=30012824#.UgaHGpK1HDw" >https://www.nodepositforum.com/forum.spark?aBID=89469&p=3&topicID=30012824#.UgaHGpK1HDw</a>Brush up cuz you're gonna need it! hahahahaha
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
rayjonestx1 wrote: I would like to be considered.
 :cool:Thanks for wanting to play with us, rayjonestx1!See you on 8/13 for the draw results! :goodluck:


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
zbln wrote: I want to try how does ff work?   
 First, let me draft for you.... :surprise: :roll:
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
KayleesGammy wrote: I would like to enter but unsure how to play, hopefully it will be in email.  thanks  Amanda K. Weinkauf   Mandy
Hi KayleesGammy! Thanks for wanting to play with us also!As far as getting directions in an email ... that's not going to happen. Go here and read a little bit on how FF is played through my eyes. I am no expert but have the basic idea down. <a href="https://www.nodepositforum.com/forum.spark?aBID=89469&p=3&topicID=30012824#.UgaHGpK1HDw" >https://www.nodepositforum.com/forum.spark?aBID=89469&p=3&topicID=30012824#.UgaHGpK1HDw</a>You might want to google for more directions. Good luck in the draw next week! 
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-The battle of the young guns, versus the old school slingers! "
-It'll be soo exciting to play amongst with the members here, select me (pleaseeee) to be one of the 9 members that will battle restlessly amongst within the 12!!! I know how to play and will follow through, since I have played in the past and I def need more bragging winnings.


-The battle of the young guns, versus the old school slingers! -It'll be soo exciting to play amongst with the members here, select me (pleaseeee) to be one of the 9 members that will battle restlessly amongst within the 12!!! I know how to play and will follow through, since I have played in the past and I def need more bragging winnings.
   Consider me, thank you.
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Hey DJ i really like playing against ya every year and yes i will admit that last year i was spanked,ouch. I usually do better and am at least competitve,lol. You did really well last year if i remember right ? I gotta do a bit of the smack talk when the league starts to get a little to quiet but i don't really believe most of it,lol. Well good luck this year if you make it in. I am thinking i will do the pay league if the free one doesn't pick my name.

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