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I downloaded from your link and redeemed the coupon for the free $10 without any problem.  Thank-you!!


Hi Belgamo,I downloaded the casino thru the banner here but I did the download two weeks ago but I have not made my first deposit . When I tried to tried to redeem CCGA10 the message says: cannot be redeemed at this time because you already have a coupon active with a required playthrough amount. I may have activated a the bonus code SLOTS2000 but like I mention have not made any deposit yet I am still considered a new player. I tried to have the active code deactivated so that I can redeem the CCGA10, the agent told me that ND code was still not going to work so I said fine. I don't think that the agent deactivated the bonus code I first redeem (SLOTS2000) because I tried the CCGA10 code again and gave me the same meassge. I even tried redeeming (ALLSLOTS100) but the messagecannot be redeemed at this time because you already have a coupon active with a required playthrough amount .  Please help so that I could get the credit in my account. My user  name for All Star Slots is also jamkam02.Many Thanksjamkam02


No Deposit Forum Founder
I would send an email, sometimes the live chat people are not as knowledgeable or as powerful as the people in the office. Do that anfd LMK what happens.


I think the MYSTERY is solved after I read what Belgamo wrote in his post "
You have to have cookies ENABLED, PLUS you have to CLEAR your cookies, if you have visited the casino before using my link, it will NOT overwrite the old cookie, meaning it will not show you coming from me, and they will not credit your account."
I did see the All Stars here but before I download anything on my computer I google it to see what others are saying I went to CMeis to see what they said about them never heard of them before All Star Slots. Seemed to be ok just a new site old from Wizard but nothing bad. Then I came back to Bel post clicked on the link and downloaded from here. So after reading the cookies overwrite of course it would not show me coming from your site. But tecnically and inactuality I did. I just dont clear the cookies before I download and don't consider myself that computer savy to clear cookies all day when I have been surfing the net.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
jamkam02 wrote:  I downloaded the casino thru the banner here but I did the download two weeks agobut like I mention have not made any deposit yet I am still considered a new player. Please help so that I could get the credit in my account.My user  name for All Star Slots is also jamkam02.Many Thanksjamkam02
jamkam, the reason why you are not eligible for the free $10 is because you registered at All Stars BEFORE this promotion came out. (per our casino rep)Even though you have not made a deposit yet does not mean you are a new player under this promotion. You are still a new player under the original banner you registered from and should be entitled to the promotions that banner stated. I would contact customer support and have them remove any code that may be active and then redeem a deposit code that you are eligible for. I don't want this to get too confusing for you and I really hope it helps you understand what happened.  


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
lucky8s wrote: I think the MYSTERY is solved after I read what Belgamo wrote in his post
lucky8s, You definately solved it. By clicking on another banner other than Belgamo's, you were signed up under someone else. I'm not saying you downloaded and registered at the casino. All you had to do was click on a different banner and BAM, you became someone els'e player. For future reference for all. Clear your cookies if you are not sure if you have clicked on a different banner to the same casino that Belgamo is offering. Do this before you download from his link and register.This will save you the heartache from finding out you are not elilgible for the free chips he gets for all of us!


Hi Belgamo,I contacted went to Live help again ask if they can talk to their manager regarding the bonus and I was credited the bonus. Thank byou for your quick response to this matter...appreciate it!jamkam02


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
CHRISTMAS6565 wrote: I received an email that the coupon was not good. I did use your link.
 Christmas, what is your username at All Star Slots, please?


Your request to speak to a member of All Star Slots Customer Support has been received. Please wait for a representative to respond. Thank you for contacting All Star Slots. Jerry: Allow me to introduce myself as your chat representative of All Star Slots. My name is Jerry Jerry: Hello. How may I assist you? 10006663: hi i am trying to claim CCGA10? Jerry: Hello jennifier. That bonus is only available to player who has signed up through a particular affiliate. 10006663: i did through casino cash giveaway.com Jerry: Is that a forum of some kind Jennifier? 10006663: yes Jerry: Sorry about the inconvenience .. But I think you have been given some wrong information as this bonus is only for players who sign up through a particular affiliate. 10006663: i will send the link? 10006663: my bad they changed their name to nodepositforum.com Jerry: I totally understand that. But I can assure you there is no deposit bonus available at present apart from a particular affiliate.. 10006663: huh Jerry: But we are certainly looking at couple of option of no deposit bonus in future. Jerry: Will surely keep you posted if something comes up. 10006663: so i cannot claim CCGA10 Jerry: I am afraid not.. But you can certainly go for our welcome bonuses on offer.can you check this out for me my account is under jkcbaby2212
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
JKCBABY, Thanks for that info. We will look into it and get back to you."
At least support is right about that it is only available to those who downloaded from one particular affiliate (Belgamo) but may not know his forum name or url. "
Was there a chance that you clicked on the link some time in the past, whether here or on another forum or their site directly? If so, you may have the same issue as lucky8s (prior posts) regarding the cookies on your PC."
Let us know."


I might have when they were wizard but I thought it was on a different computer not laptop and when they were wizard software??!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
JKCBABY222 wrote: I might have when they were wizard but I thought it was on a different computer not laptop and when they were wizard software??!
Ahhh......and that is what the casinos look out for! Even though it was a different computer, you are still the same person, with the same info. I would have to assume they are going by that. (if you did sign up when they were Wizard)Othewise we would all have 1, 2, 3 or more accounts on different PC's.Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that you did anything wrong at all, I'm just saying that they are on the look out constantly, for multiple accounts. I'm not saying you have multiple accounts either. Damn, I need a disclaimer! LOL 


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
matias23 wrote: I already completed the bonus in 1 Hs or 2 :DHow do I withdraw?
matias, Go to the cashier, choose withdraw , choose then method you would like to withdraw by and then follow the steps from there.
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Thanks for the freebie belMade playthrough just have to send the faxback for and i can withdraw!!yeah love a free $50!!!!!!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
This offer expires November 30th."
Did it say it was expired, jamiek77?


hi belgamo and all! im kinda new here, but love your site! I signed up at all star a little while back thru your link and was denied the offered promo fo 10.00, they said i dint sign up thru an affiliate, but you can check, it was here, is any way you can talk to them?   ty my username is ldorr8xoxo 

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