You have been credited.......makerik wrote: Zamorak![]()
The rep has ask you to kindly finish filling out the registration process before crediting can take place.Thanks so much Pamchillie3033 wrote: hi chillie3033 is my username at creed casino.for the 5 free thxxxxx
Have sent your name off for crediting.Watch the thread for updates. PamGAbbAR wrote:hi my username is:GAbbAR
You have been credited.........Have fun.........GAbbAR wrote:hi my username is:GAbbAR
You have been credited............Have Fun.........george2011 wrote: username is mufc2312 thanks for the bonus
Your user name has been sent to the rep.pmonk wrote: username is mistamonknice bonus
Your name has been sent off for crediting...davidkohcg wrote: Username: davidkohcgThank you!
You were sent to the rep while the 5 was still active, so you will likely receive the 5 instead of the 20.It is hard to say really. Pampmonk wrote: will i get £20 or £5? so far nothing.... still hoping...![]()
Your name has been sent off for crediting. Keep in mind it is the weekend, so crediting will likely take place Sunday. Pamorheusz wrote: Hi.usernamerhzexxxthanks
Sent a reminder to the rep......I'll let you know..... Pampmonk wrote: I haven't been credited yet![]()
Your user name is being sent off.kiril12 wrote: username: kirilavdevThank you!