Hi there friend:Thanks for the claim, it is on the list.mlb2012 wrote: hi. i deposited there on 03/16/2012. $50 and $21. lost it all. my username is mlb2012.

Hi there friend:Thanks for the claim, it is on the list.mlb2012 wrote: hi. i deposited there on 03/16/2012. $50 and $21. lost it all. my username is mlb2012.
I have made the correction, thanks for letting me know.mlb2012 wrote: ok, sorry about the last post ithought i had the second one edited classy coin username is mlbromley08 not mlb2012. sorry for any confusion. 03/16/2012 $50 and 21
No promotion of Cash Back on your deposits? Not sure who you spoke to there at Classy Coin but I assure you the promotion is active and good. I have a special rep I send these claims off to every Tuesday night and players with claims will be credited in the next few days.mlb2012 wrote: casino says that there is no such promotion
This is a special promotion that we have here on the forum. We send your claims to the casino rep and he has your account credited. There is nothing that their customer support does for you and would not know about this special promo that was set up between a rep and an affiliate. -- Edited by Mben on Tuesday 20th of March 2012 06:33:56 PMmlb2012 wrote: casino says that there is no such promotion
Hello again friend.....Our members comments and questions are never a bother here at No Deposit Forum. Rest assured, you will get a credit for your deposit you listed in a few days. Just sent the list out tonight.mlb2012 wrote: ok then my apologies. rep may actually not know about it. sorry if i'm beinga pest Pam
Hi there new member and friend:Our cashback program is very good,and I send the claims in once a week to be credited. It usually talkes about 2 days for this group of casinos to get credited.So when I send them in Tuesday night at 7pm est, they are usully credited to your account by Thursday.rachinesafire wrote: How much time takes you to give the bonus. It takes time or you give at the same time because I have seen many casinos that promise but when it comes time to pay then they go back. So it is not easy to believe to anyone.
Thank you for the claims ctf1969, they are on the list.ctf1969 wrote: deposit $35 march 31$40 march 31user name ctf1969thank you
These claims are on the list.krystalkitty wrote: bebop1959Apr6th $26Apr8th $26