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            HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!     <img width="1" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/thanksgiving7-1.gif" alt="thanksgiving7-1.gif" height="1" /><img width="1" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/turkey_running.gif" alt="turkey_running.gif" height="1" /><img width="414" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/turkey_running.gif" alt="turkey_running.gif" height="80" />     T1                  T2               T3               T4              <img width="1" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/ScreenHunter_423.jpg" alt="ScreenHunter_423.jpg" height="1" />                                            THAT CHILD IS MENACE!!!!          <img width="136" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/ScreenHunter_422.jpg" alt="ScreenHunter_422.jpg" height="121" />                        <img width="251" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/ScreenHunter_423.jpg" alt="ScreenHunter_423.jpg" height="157" style="width:263px;height:155px;" />                               <img width="174" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/nlilind.gif" alt="nlilind.gif" height="141" />                          Turkey 99            [ use him to start your new list  ] -- Edited by ahtram88 at 21:49, 2007-11-04
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Okay I guess I'll start this one off to begin with I have 4 kids who love snacks at holiday time that way they don't have to wait until dinner LOL So we have stuffed celery"
1 8oz packet of cream cheese"
1 bunch of celerey (washed and trimmed)"
1 bottle of green olives"
easy recipe Just soften cream cheese dice olives and add to cream cheese"
load mixture into celery and wala stuffed celery"
This mixture is also delicious on ritz crackers the kids love it


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What to do with that left over turkey from Thanksgiving ?Well here's my all time favorite recipe for <img width="128" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/TacosOnFire.jpg" alt="TacosOnFire.jpg" height="71" /> TURKEY TACOS that is ! These are much better than regular chicken tacos because they, in most cases, only come around one time a year.Shred left over turkeyHeat oil in shallow frying panFill 1/2 of soft 5-6 in. corn tortilla with turkeyPut in pan, then flip half of the tortilla over after hot oil makes it bendableFry until golden brown on one side, then flip whole taco over, fry other sidePlace taco on paper towel in a container to drain oilGarnish with Lettuce, cheese, sour cream, guacamole and salsa<img width="160" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/tacos.jpg" alt="tacos.jpg" height="109" /> ENJOY <img width="113" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/eatingtacos.jpg" alt="eatingtacos.jpg" height="160" /><img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/damntacos.jpg" alt="damntacos.jpg" height="1" />           <img width="160" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/damntacos.jpg" alt="damntacos.jpg" height="115" /> This one's for the other half of the M&M Mod SquadTalkintaco.....can you say Gobble, Gobble <img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/eatingtacos.jpg" alt="eatingtacos.jpg" height="1" /><img src="http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa182/talkintaco/magic_taco_here-3.jpg" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" />talkintaco say's a BIG hello to this recipe...mmmmm mmmmm good!!! -- Edited by Micheleben5 at 14:45, 2007-11-04-- Edited by talkintaco at 16:45, 2007-11-05-- Edited by talkintaco at 16:46, 2007-11-05
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I like my pumpkin bread on Thanksgiving but after I learn to make the cranberry nut bread...I have to say I's my favorite. You can add any kind of nut or none at allCranberry Nut Bread          <img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/bread.jpg" alt="bread.jpg" height="1" /><img width="160" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/bread.jpg" alt="bread.jpg" height="120" />Ingredients 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves or allspice 2 eggs 3/4 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup orange juice 1/3 cup cooking oil 1 cup cranberries 1/3 cup pecans or other nuts 1/4 teaspoon baking soda Brandy (optional) Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Grease bottom and sides of a loaf pan. Stir together flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and cloves in a large mixing bowl. Beat eggs in medium mixing bowl and stir in brown sugar, orange juice, and cooking oil. Add to flour mixture, stirring just till combined. Stir in cranberries and nuts. Spoon into loaf pan.Bake for 1 hour 15 minutes, checking to see if done with wooden toothpick. Cool on wire panyogga-- Edited by Micheleben5 at 18:22, 2007-11-04-- Edited by yogga at 18:37, 2007-11-04


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Ok guys and gals................ I know everyone loves to eat !! Let's see those creations, grand or not !!  And it may be worth $25 !! <img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/img200608142156530.gif" alt="img200608142156530.gif" height="1" /><img width="95" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/img200608142156530.gif" alt="img200608142156530.gif" height="117" />                <img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/img200608142158510.gif" alt="img200608142158510.gif" height="1" /><img width="156" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/img200608142158510.gif" alt="img200608142158510.gif" height="146" /><img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/img200608142210040.gif" alt="img200608142210040.gif" height="1" />                  <img width="109" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/img200608142210040.gif" alt="img200608142210040.gif" height="150" /> Also, I heard through the grapevine that our fearless leader, Belgamo himself, is a huge chocolate lover !!! Hint, Hint......... <img width="296" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/choco8.gif" alt="choco8.gif" height="183" /> <img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/CHOCOM13.gif" alt="CHOCOM13.gif" height="1" /><img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/desert.gif" alt="desert.gif" height="1" />                              <img width="291" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/CHOCOM13.gif" alt="CHOCOM13.gif" height="142" /> Gotta thank the Turkey I ran into in a more recent post for that bit of info !!   thanks guy ! shhhhh.......... <img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/happyturkeyday3.gif" alt="happyturkeyday3.gif" height="1" /><img width="169" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/happyturkeyday3.gif" alt="happyturkeyday3.gif" height="169" />              <img width="90" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/img200608142212030.gif" alt="img200608142212030.gif" height="150" />   <img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/img200608142212030.gif" alt="img200608142212030.gif" height="1" />         <img width="120" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/img200608142154320.gif" alt="img200608142154320.gif" height="120" /><img src="http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa182/talkintaco/banner_78.gif" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" /> -- Edited by talkintaco at 17:47, 2007-11-07
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curried cheesy beansas simple as it comes just hope baked beans r the same in america as irelandopen 1 tin of baked beans in tomato sauce put in a saucepan and start to heat grate in cheese to your own tasteadd curry powder to your own tastekepp stirring as it heats cheese will melt and cuyry powder will mixserve on toast or with french fries or whatever u likeenjoy


     VERY IMPORTANT CONTEST UPDATE! One of the Contest Rules was accidently left off original post.                           <q>                                                  Rule All recipes are to be prepared and sent to ahtram88 for approval. If your prepared food is parishable :please arrange to have it Air Lifted.* *It is also acceptable to fly out and prepare it there for her! </q> The Management -- Edited by ahtram88 at 01:03, 2007-11-10
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You gals are just too funny! Anyways,... My recipies would be so fun to share...Unfortunately, I've never measured the things I prepare,So I figured the best thing that I could possibly doIs to share the secrets of  Better Than Sex  Turkey with you! Better Than Sex Turkey A  Let's talk Turkey Poem Its time again for a Thanksgiving feastAnd it centers around that scrumptious beast!Yes, the Turkey is what I'm talkin about,But as hard as you try, it gets all dried out!Although it may still taste really greatThat's mostly because of the 5 hour wait!But if you wish it to be all that you anticipateafter all of the basting and care that you take,Here is the secret to moist, juicy, turkey on your plate!First, start her out as you'd normally do,With butter, garlic, and spices preferred by you....Then into the oven goeth the bird,Here's where it gets tricky so forget all that you've ever heard!Leave the foil off....no need for a lidWe're browning it first for a crispier skin.Then after it looks to be nice and brownFlip that Turkey BREAST SIDE DOWN!Now cover and baste like nothing had changedTill it's cook time is done and Dinner is proclaimed!This trick really works,...Just try and you'll see,And no carving be needed'cause the meat just comes free!It's juicy and tender and falls off the boneOf course, it's been basting that breast on it's own!One thing I should mention,...a warning or two,At this point for looks....not a lot you can do!And if your a stuffer of stuffing inside,Well,...it may be best to do it on the side,But if it's taste your afterAnd you preffer it be moist and not dry,Then this is the way,Just give it a try! By: UNSOUGHTPOET (This, my friends, is a REAL turkey cooking secret... not a sick joke, it really is,....Better Than Sex...which reminds me...I will post again soon with Better than Sex Brownies recipe,....AND THEY ARE!) -- Edited by unsoughtpoet at 05:34, 2007-11-09
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<img width="1" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/Turkeys/acorn2.gif" height="1" alt="acorn2.gif" /><img width="65" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/Turkeys/acorn2.gif" height="94" alt="acorn2.gif" />SoughtpoetI just love your post!That was fun and makes so much sense. Thank you very much!I am trying it!ahtram88 <img width="1" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/Turkeys/border-fall-2-1.gif" height="1" alt="border-fall-2-1.gif" />
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Tell your husbands and/or your wivesthat you have been taken care of tonight'cause all it takes is one biteand all your senses will be feeling just right except for your need to have more of this chocolate delight ! Marshmallow Crunch Better than Sex Brownies! Ingredients and recipe are to make brownies from scratch.Or... if you are lazy and /or in a rush...It is surely adaptable to use your favorite boxed brownie mixand follow the rest of recipe to turn them into Better Than Your Mothers Brownies!
Brownies              Marshmallow Crunch 1 Cup Butter                             1  Jar Marshmallow2 Cups Sugar                                   Creme (7oz)     4 Eggs                                 1 Cup Creamy 6 Tbsp Baking                          Peanut Butter       Cocoa                           2  Cups (12oz)1 Cup Flour                            Semi-Sweet2 tsp.Vanilla                            Choc. Chips 1/2 tsp. Salt                                 3  Cups Rice Krispies In large mixing bowl; cream together BUTTER & SUGAR, then add EGGS. Stir in the Baking COCOA, FLOUR, VANILLA, and SALT. Stir intill well blended.Spread in greased 13x9x2 pan. Bake on 350* for 25 minutes. *(Dont worry if this pan of brownies is looking a little thin before and after baking, it is supposed to ! This will be your base layer of Chocolate goodness!)* Allow to Cool completely.Spread on the MARSHMALLOW CREAM over pan of cooled brownies. Set aside. In med. saucepan, melt PEANUT BUTTER & CHOCOLATE CHIPS over low heat. *stirring continuessly*  When melted, stir in RICE KRISPIES. Now.... with the Krispies well coated in an eewwy-gewwy mess of PB & chocolate goodness , spread quickly and evenly over your Marshmallow-creamed layered Brownies...................and lastly......***CHILL***CUT***REFRIGERATE***EAT'EM THEY'RE GREAT! -- Edited by unsoughtpoet at 06:56, 2007-11-10-- Edited by unsoughtpoet at 07:37, 2007-11-10
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This is a side dish that me and a classmate put together in home ec class when I was a Sr., about 3 yrs ago
.  Well, it earned an A+ grade for the both of us. Since then, it has become one of my families favorite holiday dishes, so straight from my taco head I will share it with you all and maybe you and yours might like it too.alrighty then!! 3 cans~they are smaller then the yellow corn cans (I splurge on the best brand~cuz it's yellow corn the rest of the year) of vacuum-sealed white shoe pegged corn..........completely drain the small amount of liquid from each can.2 and 1/2 pkg's of Philadelphia Cream Cheese~let sit out until completely soft1 small can(4oz) peeled/diced green chiles, .......slightly drained but leave just a tad of the pepper juice Combine all ingriedients by gently folding together in a mixing bowl, I use a spatula.  Fold into a oven safe casserole dish, I use a glass one(it helps me see when it is heated throughout and has just a hint of bubbling) place dish on middle rack of your oven @ about 375 degrees and bake until there is a hint of brown showing on top and the casserole is heated throughout. In my house we call it Jalapeno Corn .  It is quick and easy to make, and is just like green bean casserole, which only has 3 ingriedients also, but tastes so good it seems like it took more time and effort.  Well, for those who have a taste for the 3 items above, give this dish a try sometime.  And I hope you will enjoy it. latertater, talkintaco
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pumpkin applesauce cookies with oatmeal & raisins These are my favorite fall cookies. The applesauce pairs well with the pumpkin and great-smelling spices creating an aroma that wafts through the kitchen while cooking. They're a perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea or the end of a hearty Thanksgiving meal. Start to finish: about 45 minutes. Servings: Makes 5-6 dozen cookies   Ingredients </h2> 2 cups, all-purpose flour 1 1/3 cups, quick oats 1 tsp, baking soda 1/2 tsp, salt 2 tsp, cinnamon 1/4 tsp, ground cloves 1/2 tsp, ground ginger 1/2 tsp, ground nutmeg 1/2 cup, unsalted butter at room temperature 1/2 cup, natural applesauce 1 cup, packed brown sugar 1 cup, sugar 1 cup, canned pumpkin 1 large egg 1 tsp, vanilla extract (note: cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg quantities can be increased if stronger flavor is desired.) 3/4 cup raisins Preparation </h2> Preheat oven to 350. In a medium bowl, combine flour, oats, baking soda, salt cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg and mix well. In 2nd larger bowl, beat together butter, applesauce, brown sugar and sugar until light and fluffy. Add pumpkin, egg and vanilla extract and mix in. Then add flour mixture and mix well. Gently stir in raisins. Drop teaspoons of batter onto greased cookie sheets. Bake for 12-14 minutes, or until light brown on bottom. Let cool on wire racks, then store in an air-tight container. (note: these are cake-light in texture and will not crisp up.)
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Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie</h2>2 eggs 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 cup butter, melted 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup chopped pecans 1 (9 inch) pie shell <b class="top"><b class="b1"> <b class="b2"> <b class="b3"> <b class="b4"> <ol>Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). In large mixing bowl, beat eggs until light and foamy. Add flour, sugar and brown sugar and beat until well blended. Blend in melted butter. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts. Pour into pie shell. Bake at 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) for 1 hour. Remove from oven. Serve warm with whipped topping or ice cream </ol> This is a recipe I love to eat! Gotta Love chocolate!!
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Cranberry and White Chocolate Cheesecake CAKE4 oz White chocolate, chopped 2 pk
z cream cheese 3/4 c Sugar 3 Eggs 2 ts Vanilla pn Salt 3 c Sour cream CRUST1 c Graham cracker crumbs 2 T Butter, melted 2 oz White chocolate, chopped GLAZE2 c Cranberries 1/3 c Sugar 1 t Cornstarch Grated white chocolate for garnish if desired Crust: Stir crumbs with butter until well moistened; stir in chocolate. Press into the bottom of a greased 9-inch springform pan. Centre pan on a 20 X 14 inch piece of foil; press up tightly around side of pan. Bake in 325F oven for 8 minutes. Let cool on a rack.Cake: In a double boiler melt chocolate. Let cool. In a large bowl, beat cream cheese until softened. Gradually beat in sugar; beat for 3 minutes or until fluffy. On low speed, beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in vanilla, chocolate and salt; stir in sour cream. Pour onto crust.Set cake pan onto a larger shallow pan; pour in enough hot water to come 1 - inch up the side. Bake at 325F for 1 1/4 hours or until the edge is set but centre still jiggles slightly. Turn oven off; let cool in oven for 1 hour. Remove from larger pan and remove foil; let cool on a rack. Cover and refrigerate over night.Glaze: In saucepan cook cranberries and 1/4 cup water, partially covered, just until boiling. Stir in sugar and return to a boil; cook for 2 minutes or until sugar is dissolved but berries have not popped. Drain, reserving juice and berries separately.Remove cake from pan; place on cake plate. Return juice to saucepan; blend in cornstarch. Cook, whisking, until boiling and thickened; let cool slightly. Spoon berries around edge of the cake. Spoon glaze over top. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until set. Garnish with chocolate gratings. Back Home -- Edited by Janet0023 at 21:29, 2007-11-18
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Well you guys are really great cooks Me I'm just a munchie maker, my family is never together long enough for a sit down meal, Everyone is scattered all over Va, and they come and go at all different times One of their favorite munchie items is Armadillo Eggs "
1 can whole Jalepenos( cut longways and deseeded)"
1 8oz package of cream cheese"
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese"
1/4 cup finely diced onion "
1 pack of bacon"
allow cream cheese to soften at room temp. for about an hour, mix with cheddar cheese and onion, load mixture into 1/2 of cut jalepeno and top with other half, wrap in bacon and secure with toothpick, bake at 350 for about 30 minutes or until bacon is done, "
these make a great snack warm or cold....."

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